Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Fox Valley Folk Festival Singing

Island Park, Geneva, Illinois

Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Fox Valley Folk Festival Singing was held on the Sunday before Labor Day at Island Park in Geneva, Illinois, as part of the 47th annual Fox Valley Folk Music and Storytelling Festival.

Jim Helke called the class to order at 11:00 a.m. and explained some rudiments of Shape Note Singing. We turned to page 18 in the Sacred Harp, Denson edition and sang a few scales. Eileen Ferguson requested that anyone who wanted to lead please state their first and last name, and the page number of the song.

Leaders: Jim Helke 565; Kathleen Taylor 79; Eileen Ferguson 34b; Dave Barford 274t; Kerry Cullinan 70b; Jim Helke 37b; Lisa Grayson 278b; Kathleen Taylor 277; Andrew Salyer 288; Molly Wedby 65; Sue Kelso 268; Dan Boyle 147t; Anita Shaperd 148; Eileen Ferguson 36b. Announcements were made of local singings. We closed the Singing at 12:00 p.m.

Chairpersons—Jim Helke and Lisa Grayson; Secretary—Eileen Ferguson