Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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New Providence Primitive Baptist Church Singing

Ringgold, Louisiana

Saturday, September 2, 2023

The 17th annual Sacred Harp singing convened at New Providence Primitive Baptist Church on Saturday before the first Sunday in September. The class was called to order by Rober Vaughn leading 59 (CB). The opening prayer was offered by Bruce Ray.

Leaders: Robert Vaughn 40 (CB); Sonya Kirkham 268t (CB), 100 (CB); Peggy Ray 64 (CB), 54t (CB); Kristie Powell 514 (CB), 210 (CB); Glen Turner 449 (CB), 505 (CB); Cory Winters 571 (CB), 567 (CB); Will Gatewood 410 (CB), 575 (CB); Stina Soderling 504t (CB), 155 (CB).


Robert Vaughn called the class back to order by leading 397 (CB). Leaders: Allison Langston 38b (CB), 171 (CB); Tristan Gordon 438t (CB), 438b (CB); Gaylon Powell 38t (CB), 543 (CB); Chris Nicholason 422b (CB), 422t (CB); Sonya Kirkham 269 (CB), 99 (CB); Peggy Ray 78 (CB), 293 (CB); Kristie Powell 273 (CB), 392 (CB). Glen Turner offered prayer before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Robert Vaughn leading 128. Leaders: Glen Turner 314, 330b; Cory Winters 129, 441; Will Gatewood 452, 425; Stina Soderling 460, 229; Allison Langston 209, 306; Tristan Gordon 439, 163b; Chris Nicholson 212, 348b; Gaylon Powell 538, 328; Sonya Kirkham 329, 276. Announcements were made.

Leaders: Robert Vaughn 142; Peggy Ray 143, 63; Kristie Powell 430, 505; Glen Turner 47b; Cory Winters 472; Will Gatewood 72b; Stina Soderling 67; Allison Langston 274t; Tristan Gordon 417; Chris Nicholson, Martha Turner, and Mary Dales 49t; Gaylon Powell 426b.

Robert Vaughn led 62 as the closing song. Mike Kirkham offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Robert Vaughn; Secretary—Sonya Kirkham