Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Central Ontario Singing

Friends Meeting House, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

August 25-26, 2023

Friday, August 25

An informal Shenandoah Harmony Singing took place from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Friends’ Meeting House in Toronto.

Saturday, August 26

The 16th annual Central Ontario All-Day Sacred Harp Singing took place at Friends’ Meeting House in Toronto on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in August. The Saturday session was brought to order by Anne Evers leading 33b.

Katherine Belyea offered the opening prayer. Anne Evers led 82t. Welcome, Housekeeping, and Community guidelines were read by Anne Evers. Anne called on Pleasance Crawford, who led 350. The Arranging Committee made announcements, and then called first singers.

Leaders: Nicole Collins 63; Jan May 228; Chris Taylor 300; Emily Ehrensperger 129; Tom Evers 29t; Marilyn Job 53; Alissa Bender 159; Chuck Crawford 423; Heather Schramm 532; Naomi Duguid 504; Frank Griggs 91; Max Kelly 209; Jennifer Davies 34b; Indigo Micciche 268; Brian Harris 296; Cecelia Kramer 71; George Sigut 38b; Jerusha Wheeler 107; Edouard Beaudry 436; Em Ekelund 101b.


Brian Harris brought the class back to order leading 399b. Leaders: Marian Mitchell 189; Patrick Friesen 354t; Philou 421; Kerry Cullinan 551; Anabel Grand Chabot 114; Elisha Denborg 546; Hugh Thomas 477; Joe Kwiatkowski 494; Heather Schramm and Jennifer Davies 176t; Nicole Collins 182; Jan May 474; Naomi Duguid gave directions regarding dinner on the grounds, and then led 142; Frank Griggs 131t; Emily Ehrensperger 319; Max Kelly 318; Marilyn Job 424. Katherine Belyea said the blessing before lunch, and then the class sang Old Hundred using alternate text.


Frank Griggs brought the class back to order leading 131b. Leaders: Anne Evers 391; Bard Swallow 42; Michele Briard 185; Pleasance Crawford 202; Annabel Grand Chabot 148; Jennifer Davies 282; Chris Taylor 455; Tom Evers 385t; Cecelia Kramer 534; Kerry Cullinan 562; Alissa Bender 312b; Indigo Micciche 146; Philou 278t; George Sigut 547; Jerusha Wheeler 163t; Edouard Beaudry 444; Patrick Friesen 426t; Marian Michell 86; Hugh Thomas 327. Anne Evers called on Naomi Duguid who reminded about social and food from dinner on the ground. Heather Schramm made announcement concerning location of and directions to social after the singing.


Jan May called the class back together leading 540. Leaders: Max Kelly 528; Elisha Denburg 378b.

Marilyn Job spoke, and then led 100 in honor of the following sick and homebound: Lloy Cooke, Corrone Bryant, Ruth Bryant, Uschi Nolte, Bobbie Goodell, Roger Misiewicz, Margaret Willoughby, Wendy Job, Joan Crist, Wendell Crist, Will Fitzgerald, Andy, and Michael.

Frank Griggs spoke and then led 48t, to remember the following deceased from the previous year (2022-2023): Eva Striebeck (Germany), Melanie Hauff (Illinois), Lydia Lewallen (North Carolina), Lila Anne Mitchell (New York), Helen Huebner (Alberta), Ted Mercer (Illinois), Holden (Ontario), Jane (Ontario), Louise (Quebec), Quenda Story (Michigan), David Erskine (Ontario), Joan Jardine Sheldon (Maine) and Roger Williams (Michigan).

Leaders: Michele Briand 442; Em Ekelund 34t; Brian Harris 376; Heather Schramm 472; Pleasance Crawford 389; Bard Swallow by 155; Naomi Duguid 503; Frank Griggs 216; Patrick Friesen 70t; Indigo Micciche 542; Edouard Beaudry 269.

The Chair asked for reports. Chris Taylor reported, as secretary, that sixty-seven songs were sung by thirty-four unique leaders on the day, with fifty-two registered singers representing three provinces of Canada, and four US states. Jennifer Davies and Heather Schramm, as Treasurers, reported that all financial obligations were successfully met. Following this report, announcements were made.

Anne Evers led 347 as the closing song. Katherine Belyea offered the closing prayer. Following this, the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Anne Evers; Treasurers—Jennifer Davies and Heather Schramm; Secretary—Chris Taylor