Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Mt. Zion Memorial Singing

Mt. Zion, Georgia

Sunday, July 23, 2023

The 129th session of the Mt. Zion Memorial Singing was held at Mt. Zion Methodist Church in Mt. Zion, Georgia, on the fourth Sunday in July. Oscar McGuire called the class to order by leading 33b. Cecil Roberts offered prayer. Oscar led 34b.

A business session was held with the following officers elected: Chairman—Oscar McGuire; Vice Chairman—Glenda Collins; Secretary—Karen Rollins.

Leaders: Cecil Roberts 35, 37b; Glenda Collins 32t, 454; Karen Rollins 87 (in memory of Philip Denney), 45t; Bert Collins 335, 339; Winfred Kerr 455, 225t; David Smead 295, 395; Bill DuPre 472, 440.


Leaders: Glenda Collins 40; Jack Nelson 228, 500; Helen Bryson 77b, 112; Lisa Bennett 517, 381; Tristan Gordon 65, 283; John Plunkett 473, 471; Stina Soderling 30t, 203; Laura Frey 163b, 162; Sheri Taylor 278b, 371.


Oscar McGuire called the class back together by leading 57. Leaders: Glenda Collins 288; Stina Soderling 129; Laura Frey 178; Sheri Taylor 347.

A memorial lesson was presented by Oscar McGuire. He led 56t for the following deceased singers: Philip Denney, Virginia Dyer, Norma Green, Barry Deese, Marlon Wootten, Ann Simpson, Hubert Nall, Cathy White, and George Burnette.

The sick and shut-ins remembered were Judy Henry, Margaret Thacker, and Ed Thacker. Jack Nelson led prayer to close the memorial lesson.

Leaders: John Plunkett 27; Tristan Gordon 134; Lisa Bennett 453; Jack Nelson 207; Bill DuPre 148; David Smead 222; Winfred Kerr 516; Karen Rollins 220; Cecil Roberts 312b; Bert Collins 124; Glenda Collins 100; Stina Soderling 558; Tristan Gordon 101t; Jack Nelson 504. Announcements were made.

Oscar McGuire and Glenda Collins led 323t as the closing song. John Plunkett offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Oscar McGuire; Vice Chairman—Glenda Collins; Secretary—Karen Rollins