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Rogers Memorial Singing

Ephesus School, Roopville, Georgia

Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Rogers Memorial singing was held at Ephesus School on the first Sunday in March, after three years of not meeting. Denney Rogers called the class to order 10:00 a.m. by leading 47t. Karen Rollins led 46. Judy Chambless offered the morning prayer. Denney Rogers, as mayor, welcomed the singers to Ephesus. A short business session was held and the following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Denney Rogers; Vice Chairman—Scott Ivey; Secretary—Karen Rogers Rollins. Judy Chambless was appointed as Arranger.

Leaders: Judy Chambless 82t; Winfred Kerr 36b; Sherry Lovvorn 454; Robert Chambless 225t; Glenda Collins 63; David Smead 61; Jack Nelson 560; Bill Denney 73t (in memory of his brother, Philip); Bert Collins 340 (for Lawrence Edwards); Derek Buckland 28b; Lisa Bennett 378b; Scott Ivey 33b; Bridge Kennedy 31t; Inga Buckland 138b; Eli Hinton 142; Myron House 191; Samuel Williams 501.


Scott Ivey called the class back together by leading 312b. Leaders: Cecil Roberts 229; Charlotte Bishop 551.

The memorial lesson was held. Karen Rollins noted that the names included were for a three-year period since we had not met in that time. The sick and shut-ins mentioned were as follows: Judy Henry, Don Bowen, Scott DePoy, Jimmy Carter, Lucy Garner, Jean Toole, Margaret Thacker, Ed Thacker, Caroline Wootten, Marlon Wootten, Ozella Blackmon, Pam Nunn, Jerry Kitchens, Richard Mauldin, William Futral, Virginia Futral, Melanie Hauff, Bill Rohde, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell.

Names of the deceased mentioned were as follows: Virginia Dyer, Opal Rogers Cannon, Richard DeLong, Bentley McGuire, Steve Hester, Jane Rogers Adams, Wendell Langley, Harry Eskew, Gwen Caldwell, Eris Denney Muse, Jim Shadinger, Winford McCormick, Bobby Workman, Betty Jean Chambers, Eveline Garner, David Grant, and Philip Denney—Georgia; Bill Windom, Velton Chafin, Coy Ivey, Margaret Spurlock, Jewel Wootten, Ken Sundberg, Mary Ruth Stiefel, Ann Simpson, Joan Aldridge, Ottis Sides, Wanda Edwards, Hubert Nall, Boyd Scott, Elder J.L. Hopper, Nellie Avery Estees, Renea Makris, and Juanita Beasley—Alabama; Luther Rogers, Betty Rogers, and Aubrey Barfield—Florida; Solomon Ossa—Washington; Wendell Rogers and Mary Wright—Virginia; Lydia Lewallen—North Carolina; Rebecca Over—United Kingdom; Peter Golden—Maine; Bill Beverly—Michigan; Ted Mercer—Illinois; Myrl Jones, Curtis Owen, Landis Powell, and Charlotte Powell—Texas. The children of Lonnie Rogers (Karen Rollins, Karleen Williams, Paige Harrod, Sherry Lovvorn, and Denney Rogers) led 87 for all the names on the lists. Karen Rollins closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Jeannette DePoy 111b; Lee Denney 143; Kacey Cook 145b; Dylan Denney and Nathan Rees 178; Wyatt Denney 203; Anna Hinton 455; Nicholas Thompson 120 (in memory of Philip Denney); Buell Cobb 103; Gene Duke and Donna Duke 217; Jan House 313t; Judy Caudle 432. Denney Rogers said grace before the noon meal.


Denney Rogers began the afternoon session leading 32t. Leaders: Jamey Wootten 48t; Laura Frey and Christian Webb 358; Lisa Webb and Rylee Webb 133; Oscar McGuire 485; Daniel Williams 38b; grandchildren of Lonnie and Vivian Rogers (Kayla McWhorter, Laura Robinson, Susan Rice, Randa Harris, and Barry Rollins) 59; Bill DuPre 74b; Erica Hinton 389 (in memory of Lonnie Rogers and Philip Denney); John Plunkett 97; Tim Gregg 79; Matt Hinton 112; Sheri Taylor 209; Nathan Rees 35 (in memory of Mary Wright); Larry Brasher 332; Judy Mincey 86; Barbara Brooks 235; Wyatt Denney 547; Derek Buckland 102; Inga Buckland 313b; and Tim Gregg 423. The Arranger then asked for all singers less than age =30 (t? b?) to lead a song. This group included Scott Ivey, Anna Hinton, Nicholas Thompson, Wyatt Denney, Carly Robinson, Will Warbington, Christian Webb, Samuel Williams, Jamey Wootten, and Eli Hinton. Announcements were made.

Denney Rogers led 56t as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Cecil Roberts, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Denney Rogers; Vice Chairman—Scott Ivey; Secretary—Karen Rollins