Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Emory Sacred Harp Singing

Cannon Chapel At Emory University
and Church of Our Saviour, Atlanta, Georgia

February 11-12, 2023

Saturday, February 11

The 17th annual Emory Singing, held at Cannon Chapel on the campus of Emory University, was dedicated to the singing of new song submissions for the forthcoming revision of The Sacred Harp. The singing also included a Sunday session at Church of Our Saviour featuring singing from The Sacred Harp.

The Saturday session of the singing was called to order by Cathy Bonk leading 87. Bryan Black offered the opening prayer. Cathy Bonk turned the singing over to David Ivey, chair of the revision-music committee, who introduced the process for the day. Leaders, comprising members of the revision-music committee or the Sacred Harp Publishing Company board of directors, would take turns leading sets of songs from printed packets of song submissions, which the class would sing on the notes only, creating an audio recording that revision-music committee members would use to evaluate the songs.

Leaders: Lauren Bock; Jesse P. Karlsberg; Tom George; Richard Ivey; Nathan Rees.


Bill DuPre brought the class back to order leading 472. During a business session the following officers were elected to serve: Chairwoman—Cathy Bonk; Vice Chairman—Bill DuPre; Secretary—Jerusha Wheeler. Jesse P. Karlsberg served as secretary pro tempore. Leaders: Jesse P. Karlsberg; Lauren Bock; Tom George. Amy Wells offered grace before the noon meal.


Cathy Bonk called the class to order leading 159. Leaders: Tom George; Richard Ivey; Nathan Rees; John Plunkett. David Ivey led a town hall session on the revision process. Jesse P. Karlsberg spoke about the design and production of the songbook. Leaders: Jesse P. Karlsberg; Lauren Bock. Cathy Bonk and Bill DuPre led 146 as the closing song. Cathy Bonk offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, February 12

The Sunday afternoon session of the singing, held at Robinson Hall at Church of Our Saviour, was called to order by Cathy Bonk leading 30t. Bill DuPre offered the opening prayer. Leaders: Cathy Bonk 84; Bill DuPre 448t, 540; Jesse P. Karlsberg 492, 291; Kerry Cullinan 70t; Anna Hinton 182, 383; Eva Striebeck 501, 217; Allison Blake Steel 112, 345b; Erica Hinton 83t, 228; Sadhbh O’Flynn 85, 204; Fynn Titford-Mock 80b, 150; Clarke Williams 200, 369; John Plunkett 111t, 105; David Smead 165, 390 (in memory of Lydia Lewallen); Lucey Rose Karlsberg 146.


The singing resumed with Cathy Bonk leading 159. Leaders: Judy Mincey 504, 486; Amy Wells 142; Lauren Bock 332, 522; Tajin Rogers 148, 47b; Nathan Rees 103, 187; Lisa Bennett 388, 455 (in memory of Ann Simpson); Anders Wells 110, 99; Karen Swenson 440, 344; Matt Hinton and Lottie Hinton 542; Fynn Titford-Mock 521; Allison Blake Steel 138b; Kerry Cullinan 464; Eva Striebeck 39b; Karen Swenson 475; Sadhbh O’Flynn 394; Tajin Rogers 191; Clarke Williams 498; Judy Mincey 180; Nathan Rees 313t; Matt Hinton and Ted Huddleston 65. Announcements were made.

Cathy Bonk led 62 as the closing song. Bill DuPre gave the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairwoman—Cathy Bonk; Vice Chairman—Bill DuPre; Secretary—Jerusha Wheeler