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Chicago Anniversary Singing

Kilbourn Park, Chicago, Illinois

Sunday, January 8, 2023

The 39th annual Chicago Anniversary Singing was held at Kilbourn Park, Chicago, Illinois, on the second Sunday in January. Eileen Ferguson called the class to order at 9:30 a.m. leading 34b. Jim Swanson offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Jim Swanson 49b; Dave Barford 99; Susan Geil 52t; Doug Stapleton 485; Eric Gu 35; Randy Neufeld 171; Michael Mosley 101t; John Seaton 38t; Lisa Grayson 201.

A business meeting was held to elect and appoint the following officers and committee members: Chair—Eileen Ferguson; Vice Chair—Ginny Landgraf; Recording Secretary—Jim Swanson; Corresponding Secretary—Mary Rogel; Arranging Committee—Marcia Johnson; Chaplain—Lyda Jackson; Finance Committee—Susan Geil.


Ginny Landgraf called the class to order leading 540. Leaders: Ginny Landgraf 283; Jim Helke 368; Noah Feeman 24b; Marcia Johnson 111b; Eileen Ferguson 112; Doug Stapleton 217; Jim Swanson 133; Dave Barford 304; Susan Geil 474; Eric Gu 107; Randy Neufeld 29t; Dan Nickel 156; Michael Mosley 303; Lisa Grayson 80t; Ginny Landgraf 81t; Jim Swanson 362.


Eileen Ferguson brought the class back to order leading 84.

The memorial lesson was conducted by John Seaton, who led 318 for the following sick and shut-ins: Grace Brazil, Melanie Hauff, John Nakayama, Mary Owen, Robert Owen, Katherine Murphy, Gary Gronau, and Kris Richardson. He led 77t in memory of the deceased: Ted Mercer, Greg Plesha, Frank Ochal, Kathy Goble, Kent Organ—Illinois; George Colburn—Michigan; Annie Joyce Williams-Bezchon—Alabama; Albrecht Schultze—Germany; Patricia Geil—Oregon; Vykki Mende Gray—California; Nick Nagy and Anne Nagy—Ohio/Virginia.

Leaders: Jim Helke 43; Lyda Jackson 85; Noah Feeman 87; Marcia Johnson 278b; Susan Geil 565; Randy Neufeld 501; Eric Gu 196; Dan Nickel 448t; Michael Mosley 430. Lyda Jackson offered grace before the noon meal.


Lisa Grayson brought the class back to order leading 274t. Leaders: Doug Stapleton 178; Dave Barford 332; Ginny Landgraf 547; Jim Swanson 300; Lyda Jackson 146; Noah Feeman 311; Anne Heider 350; Eileen Ferguson 344; Matthew Seifert 548; Steve Warner 86; Jim Helke 278t; Susan Geil 163b; Matthew Seifert 168; Anne Heider 475; Anita Shaperd 224; Steve Warner 155; Susan Geil 102.

Marcia Johnson led 183 for the Founder’s Lesson. Leaders: Randy Neufeld 236; Eric Gu 106; Michael Mosley 128; John Seaton 47t; Lyda Jackson 49t; Noah Feeman 158; Matthew Seifert 152; Steve Warner 47b; Anita Shaperd 384; Anne Heider 189.

Eileen Ferguson opened the floor for announcements and called for reports from the Finance Committee and the Secretary. Jim Swanson reported that sixty-nine lessons had been led and all leaders were from Illinois. Eileen Ferguson and Ginny Landgraf led 347 as the closing song, and Lyda Jackson offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Eileen Ferguson; Vice Chairman—Ginny Landgraf; Secretary—Mary Rogel