Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Tennessee State Sacred Harp Singing

Arlington United Methodist Church, Nashville, Tennessee

Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Tennessee State Sacred Harp Singing was held on Saturday before the third Sunday in October. The class was called to order by Ron Harper leading 350. Tim Reynolds offered the opening prayer.

The class was organized by electing or appointing the following officers to serve: Chairman—Ron Harper; Vice Chairman—Barrett Patton; Secretary—Emily Stutzman; Arranging—David Carlton.

Leaders: Barrett Patton 100; Emily Stutzman 270; Nicholas Thompson 76b; Tim Reynolds 148; David Ivey 317 (for Nate and Norma Green); Gail Doss 86; Shane Wootten 40; Daniel Lee 302; Judy Caudle 127 (in memory of J.L. Hopper); Larry Brown 454; Daryl Chesney 128 (in memory of Ted Mercer); Judy Mincey 468 (in memory of Ted Mercer); Susan Cherones 564; Tim Morton 61; Caleb Dillehay 39b.


David Carlton led 501 to bring the class together. Leaders: Rick Fretter 312b; Debra Taube 276; Karen Rollins 225t (for Philip Denney); Scott Ivey 138b (in memory of Jimmy Gilbert); Brent DeBoard 282; Prisca Rice142; John Hoerr 189; Tim Gregg 29b; Donna Wootten 314; David Killingsworth 28b; Ron Harper 569b (for Bob Simmons); Barrett Patton 318 (in memory of Eloise Wootten); Emily Stutzman 361; Daniel Lee 489; Susan Cherones 300; Gail Doss 464; Caleb Dillehay 89; Daryl Chesney 556; Larry Brown 99; Tim Reynolds 278t; Tim Morton 228 (in memory of Joan Aldridge); Tim Gregg 532. Shane Wootten asked a blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Judy Caudle leading 421. Leaders: Judy Mincey 311; John Hoerr 426b; Prisca Rice 535; Brent DeBoard 146; Karen Rollins 327; David Carlton 538; David Ivey 299 (for Garrett Morton and family); Nicholas Thompson 216 (for Garrett Morton); Debra Taube 38b; Shane Wootten 313t; Jim Neal 406; David Killingsworth and Brenda Armstrong 277; Donna Wootten 445; Prisca Rice 203; Karen Rollins 227; Judy Mincey 176t (by request); Brent DeBoard 178; Tim Gregg 76t; Tim Morton 74b; John Hoerr 448b; Judy Caudle and Nicholas Thompson 480 (by request) 403; Jim Neal 405.

Ron Harper and Barrett Patton led 62 as the closing song. Shane Wootten offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Ron Harper; Vice Chairman—Barrett Patton; Secretary—Emily Stutzman