Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Winston County Convention

Shady Grove Primitive Baptist Church, Double Springs, Alabama

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Winston County Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held at Shady Grove Primitive Baptist Church, Double Springs, Alabama, on the fourth Sunday in September. Henry Guthery brought the class to order leading 354b. The morning prayer was offered by Butch White.

The class was organized by electing or appointing the following officers to serve: Chairman—Henry Guthery; Vice Chairman—Nicholas Thompson; Secretary—Roma Rice; Arranging—Margaret Keeton.

Leaders: Henry Guthery 345t; Rebecca Over 490, 475; Betty Baccus 171, 177; Nancy Phillips 496, 312b; Winfred Kerr 36b, 283; Marlin Beasley 336, 208; Christopher Mann 276, 348t; Garret Sipe 63, 47b; Mike Hankins 527, 477; Theresa Westmoreland 189, 200.


Henry Guthery led 280 to bring the class together. Leaders: Henry McGuire 422, 103; Delone Cobbs 108t, 388; Butch White 277, 86; Lena Keeton and Glenn Keeton 482, 498, 122, 349 (in memory of Clarence McCool); Lisa Geist 546, 472; Earl Ballinger 470, 441; Buell Cobb 135, 166, 425.


The afternoon session began with Henry Guthery leading 499. Leaders: Nicholas Thompson 220, 411; Sonya Sipe 565, 32t; Cindy Mann 274t, 159; David Jackson 426t (for his mother and father), 480; Lauren Allen 270, 323b; Larry Ballinger “Mercy Seat”; Roma Rice 282 (for Bernice Wakefield), 164; Hazel Heinze 84, 515; Ricky Beasley 101t, 30b; Julia Poston 201, 312b; Loretta Whitman 176t, 176b; Tom Booth 440, 181; Tom Booth and Linda Booth 365; Garret Sipe, Christopher Mann, and Judy Cobbs 77t.

Henry Guthery led 521 as the closing song. Glenn Keeton dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Henry Guthery; Vice Chairman—Nicholas Thompson; Secretary—Roma Rice