Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Moore, Graves, and Calvert Memorial

Addington Chapel, Cullman County, Alabama

Saturday, June 15, 2019

The 110th session of the Moore, Graves, and Calvert Memorial Sacred Harp singing was held at Addington Chapel on Saturday before the third Sunday in June. Danny Creel led 30t to bring the class to order. The opening prayer was offered by Tom Booth. The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Danny Creel; Vice Chairman—Yancey Jett; Secretary—Ann Jett; Arranging—Nicholas Thompson.

Danny Creel led 36b and 155 in honor of Lucy Heidorn, who was unable to attend. Leaders: Nicholas Thompson 460 (for Lucy Heidorn), 112, 192; Lauren Allen 91, 440, 323b; Yancey Jett 497, 89, 312b; Carolyn Thompson 535, 455, 500; Kathy Manning 176b, 98, 565; Linda Sides 225t, 328, 448t; Larry Ballinger 448b, 56t, 151; Inga Huebner 97, 40, 133; Stephen Huffman 138t, 299, 131b; Lizzie Sanders 131t, 81t, 47b.


The class was called back to order by Danny Creel leading 389. Leaders: Alec Williams 49t, 47t, 457; Lisa Geist 472, 528, 68b; Emily Stutzman 93, 477, 361; Butch White 86, 480, 344; Ewa Lichnerowicz 74b, 181, 296; Stefani Priskos 35, 57, 384; Mike Hankins 34b, 168, 527; Derek Buckland 95, 206, 501; Earl Ballinger 179, 182; Justin Bowen 511, 378b, 530 (for Hayden Arp and Ottis Sides); Mary Huffman 446, 123t, 283.


The afternoon session began with Danny Creel leading 456. Leaders: Susan Allred 65, 183, 270; Ann Jett 512, 498, 269; Brenda Chafin 317, 426b, 430; Ken Tate 475 (in memory of Flarce Creel), 436, 434; Inga Huebner 369; Kathy Manning 392; Stefani Priskos 284; Emily Stutzman 399b; Justin Bowen 442; Ewa Lichnerowicz 290; Derek Buckland 67; Lizzie Sanders 143; Alec Williams 445; Wanda Capps 298, 546, 203. Announcements were made.

Danny Creel led 323t as the closing song. Butch White offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Danny Creel; Vice Chairman—Yancey Jett; Secretary—Ann Jett