Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Smyrna Sacred Harp Singing

Smyrna Primitive Baptist Church, Goodwater, Alabama

Sunday, September 16, 2018

The annual Sacred Harp Singing at Smyrna Primitive Baptist Church was held on the third Sunday in September. Jack Nelson brought the class together leading 32t (for Eugene Forbes) and 203. The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Jack Nelson; Co-Chairman—William Futral; Secretary—Virginia Futral. The opening prayer was offered by Elder Ken Milner.

Leaders: Bert Collins 340, 335; Glenda Collins 290, 99; Stanley Smith 120, 101t; Bill Hogan 324, 155; Rebecca Over 129, 49t; Kaitlyn Cornett, Sidney Burleson, and Michele Burleson 47b, 358; Denice Burleson 300, 196; Winfred Kerr 77b, 225t (for Charlene Wallace); Roy Nelson 569b, 341.


Jack Nelson led 491. Leaders: Judy Chambless 426t, 121 (for Karen Rollins); Robert Chambless 303, 145b; Ken Milner 146, 77t; Wendy Anderson 35, 36b; Cecil Roberts 403, 477; Jordan McGuire 143, 111t; Stephen Huffman 556, 299; Mary Huffman 391, 47t. Elder Louis Culver asked a blessing before the noon meal.


Jack Nelson brought the class back together leading 278b and the National Anthem. Leaders: Jack Nelson 59, 25 (JB) (by request); Bert Collins 274t; Glenda Collins 454; Stanley Smith 490; Bill Hogan 456; Rebecca Over 283; Kaitlyn Cornett 457; Winfred Kerr 318; Roy Nelson 31b; Denice Burleson 193; Judy Chambless 222; Robert Chambless 333 (LD), 334 (LD); Ken Milner 31t; Wendy Anderson 98; Stephen Huffman 63; Mary Huffman 34t. After announcements, Elder Ken Milner offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Jack Nelson; Co-Chairman—William Futral; Secretary—Virginia Futral