Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Mt. Ebron Memorial Singing

New Hope Baptist Church, near Double Springs, Alabama

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The 111th session of the Mt. Ebron Memorial Sacred Harp singing was held on the first Sunday in November. The class was called to order by Lisa Geist leading 31b. Earl Ballinger offered the opening prayer. Lisa Geist led 47t.

In a business session the following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Nicholas Thompson; Vice Chairman—Henry Guthery; Arranging Committee—Lisa Geist; Secretary—Theresa Westmoreland.

Leaders: Nicholas Thompson 82t, 89; Theresa Westmoreland 30t, 39b; Betty Backus, Steve Wakefield, and Patsy Wakefield 46, 411; Linton Ballinger 67, 141; Emily Stutzman 72b, 73b; Roma Rice 31t, 166; Earl Ballinger 148, 80b; Jayne Fulmer 142, 143; Seth Poston 275b, 108b; David Jackson 101t, 87.


The class was called to order by Henry Guthery leading 189 and 434. Leaders: Faye Donaldson 78, 430; Loretta Whitman 77t, 81t; Larry Ballinger 98, 540; Nina Godsey, Melinda Bell, Nicholas Blancas III, Kameika Poole, Betty Backus, and Pete Hampton 59, 45t; Nicholas Thompson 373, 294; Bernice Wakefield 159, 282; Margaret Keeton 402, 422; Louise Yeager 480, 569b. Prayer before the noon meal was offered by Henry Guthery.


The class was called to order by Nicholas Thompson leading 97 and 120. Leaders: Julie Poston 34b, 495; Jerry Kitchens 421, 58; Henry Guthery 558, 543; Theresa Westmoreland 276; Linton Ballinger 314; Roma Rice 338; Earl Ballinger 439; Seth Poston 358; David Jackson 339; Jayne Fulmer 428, 273 (for her family); Loretta Whitman 490; Jayne Fulmer 210 (in memory of her father); Lisa Geist 528; Lisa Geist and Nicholas Thompson 304; Bernice Wakefield 447; Nicholas Thompson 137.

Nicholas Thompson led 323t as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Earl Ballinger, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Nicholas Thompson; Vice Chairman—Henry Guthery; Secretary—Theresa Westmoreland