Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Santa Cruz Singing

Live Oak Grange, Santa Cruz, California

Saturday, July 11, 2015

The 2nd annual Santa Cruz Regional All-Day Singing was held at the Live Oak Grange in Santa Cruz, California, on Saturday before the second Sunday in July. The class was called to order by Edward Rice leading 31t. Edward Rice offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were appointed to serve: Chairman—Edward Rice; Arranging Officer—Janet Herman.

Leaders: Edward Rice 99, 334; Mary Gowins 65, 181; Trish Neilsen 361; Jennie Brown 33b, 276; Leah Coffin 117, 277; Jeff Begley 278t, 349; Rebecca Edwards 32t, 402; Kathleen Eschen-Pipes 254; Dave Barber 59, 284; Lindy Groening 437, 446; Leigh Cooper 294, 493; Pat Coghlan 492; Greg Freed 148, 400; Mark Godfrey 83t, 74t; Janet Herman 172, 203.


Song selections in this session were from The Shenandoah Harmony (ShH). The class was brought back together by Rebecca Edwards leading 1b (ShH). Leaders: Linda Selph 226 (ShH); Edward Rice 15 (ShH), 374b (ShH); Linda Domholt 367 (ShH); Mary Gowins 310 (ShH), 431 (ShH); Jennie Brown 204 (ShH), 243 (ShH); Leah Coffin 51 (ShH), 108 (ShH); Edward Rice 264t (ShH); Jeff Begley 24t (ShH), 130 (ShH); Rebecca Edwards 438t (ShH), 53 (ShH); Dave Barber 162 (ShH), 243 (ShH); Lindy Groening 329 (ShH), 326t (ShH); Leigh Cooper 36 (ShH); Jennie Brown 254 (ShH). Celia Brown offered a prayer before the noon meal.


Jeff Begley began the afternoon session by leading 27. Leaders: Trish Neilsen 209; Christopher Putnam 236; Jocelyn Bergen 457; Cecil Godfrey 40; Linda Selph 384; Linda Domholt 499; Leigh Cooper 472; Jeff Begley 67; Greg Freed 84; Pat Coghlan 272; Mark Godfrey 196; Janet Herman 500; Lindy Groening 550; Dave Barber 383; Rebecca Edwards 447; Leah Coffin 216; Jennie Brown 558; Mary Gowins 568.


Mary Gowins brought the class back together by leading 145t. Leaders: Edward Rice 303 (in memory of Jeff Sheppard); Christopher Putnam 39t; Jocelyn Bergen 268; Cecil Godfrey 35; Linda Selph 208; Jeff Begley 501; Ruth McGurk 271t.

The class held a business meeting. Edward Rice reported that expenses had been met. Jennie Brown reported that seventy-seven songs were led by twenty leaders, and that thirty-seven singers from three states were in attendance. Edward Rice thanked all who helped make the singing a success. Announcements were made.

The officers led 157 (ShH) as the closing song. Celia Brown offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Edward Rice; Secretaries—TanĂ© Tachyon, Jennie Brown, and Edward Rice