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Delong-Roberts Memorial Singing

Big Creek Primitive Baptist Church, Alpharetta, Georgia

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The annual Delong-Roberts Memorial Singing was called to order by Brady DeLong leading 36b. John Plunkett offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Brady DeLong 37b; Matt DeLong 235, 282; Jessica Altman 34b, 142; Rachel Carlisle 95, 204 (for William DeLong); Will Ingram 146, 48t; Tony Hammock 83b, 112; Malinda Snow 512, 516; Charles Woods 482, 483; John Plunkett 541, 354t.

A business session was held with the following officers elected to serve: Chairman—Brady DeLong; Vice Chairman—Jessica Altman; Secretary/Treasurer—Helen Bryson; Arranging Officer—Richard DeLong. Big Creek Primitive Baptist Church has again agreed to host the singing in 2016.


Jesse Roberts brought the class to order leading 135 and 172. Leaders: Helen Bryson 217, 287; Virginia Dyer and Dalton Dyer 546, 454, 354b; David Brodeur 27, 28t; Richard DeLong 74t, 431.

The memorial lesson was held at this time. Jessica Altman remarked that those of us who have been singing for a few years have probably experienced the loss of a valued singer. We fondly remember their voices, where they sat, what they cooked, and their individual characteristics. They remain in our hearts. This is the period of the singing devoted to the memory of these singers, their family, and friends. Jesse Roberts led 480 for the Roberts family and Richard DeLong led 472 for the DeLong family.

Matt Delong led 530 for the following sick and shut-ins: Lucy Garner, George Garner, and Donna Bell.

Rachel Carlisle led 111b in memory of the following deceased: Raymond Hamrick, Joyce Harrison, Inez Chandler, and Junie Wooten—Georgia; Danny Arms—North Carolina; Evelyn Harris—Alabama. The memorial lesson was closed with prayer offered by Jesse Roberts.


Micah Roberts called the class to order leading 384 (in memory of Horace DeLong) and 178. Leaders: Jerusha Wheeler 401, 455; Cecil Roberts 35, 89; Oscar McGuire 573, 515; Charlene Wallace 155, 171; Timothy Altman 45t, 40; Cathy Smith 442, 300; Andy Ditzler 88t, 41; David Smead 569t, 394; Ashley Thompson 38b, 328; Diane O’Shields 82t, 497; Faye Holbrook 542, 318.


John Plunkett called the class to order leading 76t. Leaders: Kevin Kleinfelter 159, 117; Janice Paulk 392 (for Doris DeLong), 371 (for Kenneth DeLong); Leann Carter 332, 33t; Frances Carnell 66, 344; Leon Carnell 268; Debora Grosse 198, 569b; Andy Morse 313b, 349; Alice West 350, 32t.

Announcements were made. Brady DeLong and Jessica Altman led 62 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Jesse Roberts.

Chairman—Brady Delong; Vice Chairman—Jessica Altman; Secretary—Helen Bryson