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Higher Ground Singing

United Campus Ministries Center, Terre Haute, Indiana

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The 20th annual Higher Ground Singing was called to order by Darrell Swarens leading 59 and Terry Hogg leading 51 (MH). Don Bardsley offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Co-Chairmen—Don Bardsley and Darrell Swarens; Arranging Committee—Randy Webber and Janet Fraembs; Secretary—Darrell Swarens.

Leaders: William Shetter 28b; Mary Yeomans 63; Joan Aldridge 166; Beth Garfinkel 138 (MH); Peggy Brayfield 13 (MH); Seth Mitter 31t; John Hoerr 32t; Delainey Bowers 312b; Jonathon Smith 186; Wayne Dell 47b; Lori Graber 464; Tom Morton 209; Katherine Eldridge 77t; James Eldridge 208; Grace Patterson 344; Jim Patterson 86; Sheila Patterson 448b; Randy Webber (Title? RCW 2015).


Randy Webber called the class back to order leading 36b. Leaders: Sheila Patterson and Darrell Swarens 71 (for Bess Fitzgerald); Don Bardsley 569b; William Shetter 55 (MH); Mary Yeomans and Jonathon Smith 159; Joan Aldridge 217; Beth Garfinkel 178 (MH); Peggy Brayfield 172 (MH); Seth Mitter 436; John Hoerr 440; Delainey Bowers 112; Jonathon Smith 326; Wayne Dell 66; Lori Graber 56 (MH); Tom Morton 49b; Katherine Eldridge 376; James Eldridge 168; Grace Patterson 278t; Jim Patterson 178; Sheila Patterson 82t; Annaliza Cull 448t, 268; Randy Webber “Contrition” (Leah Velleman, 2015).


John Hoerr convened the class by leading 33b. Leaders: Terry Hogg 135 (MH); William Shetter 73 (MH); Lori Graber 142; Beth Garfinkel 496; Jim Patterson 274t.

Lori Grabber and William Shetter conducted the memorial lesson. They led 340 and 111b.

Leaders: Darrell Swarens 145 (MH) (in memory of Bob Meek); Mary Yeomans 68b; Brian Hale 338; Sheila Patterson 73t; Don Bardsley 489; Delainey Bowers 335; Peggy Brayfield 168 (MH); Jonathon Smith 78 (MH); Darrell Swarens 128; John Hoerr 528; Katherine Eldridge 324; Seth Mitter 183.


Jonathan Smith led 207 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Randy Webber and Mark Graber 236; Tom Morton 155; Wayne Dell 313b; James Eldridge 298; Grace Patterson 175 (MH); Beth Garfinkel 504; Brian Hale “Clinton” (J.P. Karlsberg); Lori Graber 497; Terry Hogg 27 (MH); William Shetter 362.

Don Bardsley led 347 as the closing song, and then offered prayer to dismiss the class.

Co-Chairmen—Don Bardsley and Darrell Swarens; Secretary—Darrell Swarens