Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Uncle Jack Kerr and Uncle Henry Kerr Memorial

Camp Ground Methodist Church, Cleburne County, Alabama

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The annual Sacred Harp singing honoring the memory of Uncle Jack Kerr and Uncle Henry Kerr was held on the second Sunday in January, at Camp Ground Methodist Church, north of Fruithurst, Alabama. Henry Johnson welcomed everyone, called the class to order by leading 59, and then offered the opening prayer.

A business session was held with the following officers retained: Chairman—Henry Johnson; Vice Chairman—Ed Thacker; Secretary—Donna Bell; Arranging Officer—Judy Chambless.

Leaders: Henry Johnson 230; Ed Thacker 503 (in memory of Raymond Hamrick), 511; Donna Bell 426b, 63; Judy Chambless 28t, 29t; Winfred Kerr 282, 89; Glenda Collins and Bert Collins 101t, 340; Cecil Roberts 138b, 56t; Robby Rivers 480, 384; Margaret Thacker 39b, 303; Kacey Askin 40, 178; Robert Chambless 354t, 166.


Henry Johnson brought the class back to order leading 138t. Leader: Samuel Williams 349, 224.

Members of the Kerr Family conducted the memorial lesson. Winfred Kerr (son of Uncle Henry Kerr) stated that many of the Kerr Family were absent this year. He welcomed everyone to the singing, then thanked them for coming and making this a special day. Jolene Loescher (a granddaughter of Uncle Jack Kerr) said “the Bible didn’t say anything about preaching, but it did say there would be singing. Granddaddy lived to be 97 or 98. Went to singings up till a year or two before he died.” Mrs. Irene Snow, age 97, daughter of Uncle Jack Kerr, was also in attendance. The Kerr family led 45t in memory of Uncle Jack Kerr and Uncle Henry Kerr. Cecil Roberts closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Wyatt Denney 77t, 65; Rene Greene 436 (for Hester Edwards), 454 (for Virginia Dyer); Richard DeLong 104 (in memory of Alice Edwards and for Hester Edwards), 44; Karen Rollins 168 (in memory of Henry Kerr); Tony Hammock 105; 314; B.M. Smith 350; Charlene Wallace 283. Henry Johnson offered the blessing of the noon meal.


The afternoon session of singing began with Ed Thacker and Daniel Williams leading 48t. Leaders: Daniel Williams 35, 500; Lisa Bennett 102, 42; Philip Denney and Alex Denney 61, 142; David Brodeur 300, 209; Jack Nelson 540 (in memory of Raymond Hamrick), 312t; John Plunkett 572, 216 (for Bill and Reba Windom); Oscar McGuire 229, 336; David Smead 119, 403; Rene Greene and Richard DeLong 551; Ed Thacker and Margaret Thacker 452; Samuel Williams and Daniel Williams 74t; Lisa Bennett and David Smead 313t; Oscar McGuire and Jack Nelson 560; Henry Johnson and Karen Rollins 556; Philip Denney, Wyatt Denney, Alex Denney, and Kacey Askin 268; David Brodeur, Charlene Wallace, and B.M. Smith 498; Tony Hammock and Donna Bell 464; Cecil Roberts and Winfred Kerr 97; Robert Chambless and Judy Chambless 347.

Announcements were made. Henry Johnson and Ed Thacker led 521 as the closing song. Rev. Joey Ray, pastor of the church, offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Henry Johnson; Vice Chairman—Ed Thacker; Secretary—Donna Bell