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Young People’s Sacred Harp Singing

Austin Waldorf School, Austin, Texas

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The 34th annual Young People’s Sacred Harp Singing Association met at the Austin Waldorf School, Austin, Texas, on Saturday before the first fifth Sunday following the fourth of July. The class was called together by Bryant Lee leading 34b. The opening prayer was offered by Jeb Owen.

Leaders: Bryant Lee 503; Scott Curran 217; Michele Curran 430; Cassie Allen 411; Ben Copenhaver 171; Crystal Meadows 542; Phillip Langley 564; Ainslie Allen 196; Jeb Owen 475; Rebecca Edwards 534; Steve Helwig 180; Melissa Kelley 440; Leon Ballinger 172; Evelyn Lamb 434.

A business session was held with the following officers elected: Co-Chairpersons—Michele Curran and Riley Owen; Vice Chairpersons—Carter Cook and Catherine Rogan; Secretaries—Ainslie Allen and Charity Vaughn. The business session was closed.

Leaders: Riley Owen 40; Kris Wiggins 198; Patrick Weatherington 565; Elise delMas 299; Jesse Karlsberg 182; Virginia Eldridge 486; Eamon O’Neill 500; Anna Leigh Smith 480; Kevin Barrans 89; Lela Crowder 215; Jackson Owen 159; Lauren Bock 272; Josh Rogan 410t; Thom Fahrbach 573; Liz Owen and Lauren Owen 273; John Wiens 568.


The class was called back together by Michele Curran leading 47b. Committees were appointed as follows: Arranging Committee—Cassie Allen and Nathan Berry; Finance Committee—Rich Lee, Jackson Owen, and Greg Bowles; Memorial Committee—Liz Owen, Stephanie Fida, and Priscilla Wiggins; Locating Committee—Richard Ivey, Ben Copenhaver, and Melissa Kelley; Resolutions Committee—Scott Curran, Katie Mahoney, and Lauren Bock.

Leaders: Janie Short 107; Mike Hinton 373.

The memorial lesson was held, and Stephanie Fida read the list of names of the sick and shut-ins. She led 460 in their honor. Liz Owen then read the list of names of the deceased, and Priscilla Wiggins led 235 in memory of those deceased. The closing prayer was offered by Josh Rogan.

Leaders: Nathan Berry 278b; Rick Cunningham 276; Bruce Coates 176b; Kyle Hearn 39t; Sam Esquerra 76b; Ron Bernucho 268; Tim Morton 270; Carter Cook 142; Scott McCown 282; William Gillman 125; Rick Foreman 418; Darrell Swarens and Sonny Erwin 111b; Sonny Erwin 441; Amy Peveto 354b.


The afternoon session began with Catherine Rogan leading 472. Leaders: Rich Lee 82t; Lynn deBenedette 454; Kristie Powell 383; Noelle Copeland 528; David Wright 532; Richard Ivey 426t (in memory of Hobert Ivey and Betty Wright); Kate Coxon 106; Donald Ross 328; Ginny Landgraf 326; Katie Mahoney 390; Eddie Mash and Cassie Allen 444 (dedicated to Toney Smith); Johanna Sims 175; William Price 277; Alexandra Copeland 108t; Vivian Rogan 146; Bill Bailey 95; Gaylon Powell 442; Ryan Young 318; Cheyenne Ivey 389; J.T. Harechmak 29b; Vickie Cook 86; Robert Vaughn 204.


Carter Cook called the class back together by leading 45t. Leaders: Gary Rogan 155; Kevin Powell 47b; Diane Ross 178; Linda Booker 569b; Catherine Rogan 312b; Priscilla Wiggins 344; Olivia Powell 490; Daniel Allcock 168; Beverly Coates 448t; Cheryl Foreman 349; Alex Hawk 120; Lindsey Wiggins 481.

A business session was held for the purpose of hearing reports from all the committees. The Locating Committee reported that the 35th session of the Young People’s Singing, in 2015, will be held in the Pacific Northwest. The Resolutions Committee submitted the following report: We, the Resolutions Committee of the 34th annual Young People’s Sacred Harp Singing, resolve to thank God for bringing us all together to sing the music we love with so many people that we love. Furthermore, we would like to thank all of the singers who have come before us, the singers who came today, the officers and committees, Billy Huckaby and Jeb Owen for the brisket, Landis Powell for the chicken, and all who prepared food. We would like to thank Sky and the Austin Waldorf School. We resolve to meet again next year in the Pacific Northwest for the 35th annual Young People’s Sacred Harp Singing. The Finance Committee reported a collection of $461.00 after reimbursements. The business session was closed. Announcements were made.

Michele Curran, Riley Owen, Catherine Rogan, and Carter Cook led 32t as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Bryant Lee.

Co-Chairpersons—Michele Curran and Riley Owen; Vice Chairpersons—Catherine Rogan and Carter Cook; Secretaries—Ainslie Allen and Charity Vaughn