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Calhoun County Musical Association

Bethel Primitive Baptist Church, Bruce, Mississippi

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The 137th annual session of the Calhoun County Sacred Harp Musical Association convened at Bethel Primitive Baptist Church, Bruce, Mississippi. President John Van Horn called the class to order leading 59. He appointed Robert Earl Alexander as chaplain, who then offered the morning prayer.

The President appointed the following members to the Executive Committee: Mark Davis (Chairman), Drew McGuire, Warren Steel, and Henry McGuire. The President recognized and seated George Easley and Maybelline Easley as delegates from the Chickasaw Convention, and welcomed visitors from other states and conventions.

Leaders: John Van Horn 440, 300; Anne Steel 171, 31t; Bobby Neyman 490, 472; Darlene Reynolds 569b, 511 (WB); Robert Earl Alexander 354t, 108t; Shelby Castillo 217, 318; Arlon Gardner 278t, 448t; Drew McGuire 270, 30b; Wanda Capps 299, 546.


President Van Horn restored order and led 278b. Leaders: Wendell Rinehart 457, 445; Amber Davis 345t, 82t; Ann Jett 319, 37b; Loretta Whitman 36b, 81t; Regina Derstine 383, 370.

In the memorial lesson, Warren Steel led 65 for the following sick and shut-ins: Ozella Blackmon, Roy Davis, Alice McGuire, and Richard Mauldin. He led 205 in memory of Hugh Bill McGuire, W.M. Allen, Edna Jean Gray, and Dennis Beasley.

Leaders: Mark Davis 96, 272; Mary Amelia Taylor 396, 298; Steve Adams 378t, 331; Henry McGuire 505 (WB), 543t (WB).


After a plentiful and delicious lunch, President Van Horn restored order and led 155. Leaders: Janet Jenkins 117, 268; George Easley 34b, 60 (WB); Warren Steel 150 (WB), 56b; Henry McGuire 492 (WB), 486t (WB); Anne Steel 388; Bobby Neyman 347; Darlene Reynolds 145t; Shelby Castillo 224; Arlon Gardner 277; Drew McGuire 512; Wanda Capps 168; Amber Davis 142; Ann Jett 269; Loretta Whitman 343b; Regina Derstine 57.

At two o’clock p.m. a business meeting was held. On recommendation of the President, the Executive Committee approved an amendment to item 5 of the Constitution to read “all active singers in Mississippi” instead of “all active singers in north Mississippi.” The following officers were elected: President—Henry McGuire and Secretary—Anne Steel. John Van Horn welcomed the new president, and led 236.


President McGuire restored order and led 313t. Leaders: Mark Davis 419; Mary Amelia Taylor 390; Janet Jenkins 274t; George Easley 523; Warren Steel 513; Drew McGuire, Henry McGuire, and Will McGuire 40 (for Alice McGuire).

Mark Davis reported $145.00 in monies collected, to be dispersed by the secretary as directed by the Executive Committee. By order of the Executive Committee, the association agreed to meet again at Bethel Primitive Baptist Church in 2015. Following announcements, the day of singing was closed by Henry McGuire leading 62 as the singers took the parting hand. Arlon Gardner dismissed the class with prayer.

President—Henry McGuire; Secretary—Anne Steel