Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Old Harmony Primitive Baptist Church

Abernathy, Cleburne County, Alabama

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The annual Sacred Harp singing at Old Harmony Primitive Baptist Church near Abernathy, Cleburne County, Alabama, was held on the third Sunday in April. Cecil Roberts welcomed everyone, and thanked them for coming to the Easter Sunday singing before offering the opening prayer. Cecil then led 97.

Leaders: B.M. Smith 82t, 101t; Donna Bell 490, 47t (in honor of Evelyn Harris); Judy Chambless 29t, 472; Sherrell Cleino 335, 127; Ruth Daniel 445, 378t; Glenda Collins and Bert Collins 100, 340; Winfred Kerr 282, 89.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed: Chairman—Robert Chambless; Vice Chairman—B.M. Smith; Secretary—Donna Bell; Arranging Officer—Judy Chambless.

Leaders: Robert Chambless 565; Ann Simpson 290, 452; Charlene Wallace 283, 299, 317 (for Margie Smith).


Robert Chambless brought the class back to order by leading 324. Leaders: John Plunkett 156, 322; Robby Rivers and Hugh McGraw 480, 155 (for Evelyn Harris); Pam Nunn 313t; Karen Rollins 354t, 354b; Tony Hammock 314, 138b; Virginia Dyer 63, 61.


B.M. Smith led 340 (for Lawrence Edwards). Cecil Roberts thanked the class for $335, and asked that the amount be noted in the minutes. Leaders: Oscar McGuire 288, 503; John Plunkett 500.

Karen Rollins conducted the memorial lesson. She explained the memorial lesson at a Sacred Harp singing to the congregation. Karen likened the hollow square to a circle of friends, citing that the memorial lesson is usually given right before lunch, the most sacred hour. Karen noted that it was Easter Sunday and that two of God’s greatest commandments are to first, love him; and secondly, to love each other. We sing because we love God and because we love one another. Karen led 347 in memory of the deceased and in honor of the sick and shut-ins. The deceased remembered were Tommy Chupp, Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, Lou Cotney, Carlene Griffin, Teenie Moody, and Mike Nunn. The sick and shut-ins honored were George Garner, Lucy Garner, Evelyn Harris, Troy Warren, Agnes Roberts, Lois Bowman, Wayne Watson, and Elder Neal Prichard. John Plunkett closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Cecil Roberts 420; Sherrell Cleino 415, 186; Tony Hammock 303, 229; Charlene Wallace 171; Oscar McGuire 344. Cecil Roberts offered the blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session of singing began with Robert Chambless leading 175b. Leaders: Donna Bell 178; B.M. Smith 34b; Karen Rollins and Jake Howell 36b; Winfred Kerr 47b; Glenda Collins and Bert Collins 76b; Robby Rivers and Hugh McGraw 49b; Judy Chambless 146; Ruth Daniel and Sherrell Cleino 127 (by request); Ann Simpson 122 (in memory of Ruth Brown); Tony Hammock 148; Robert Chambless 225t; B.M. Smith 30t; Donna Bell 192.

Following announcements, Robert Chambless led 56t as the closing song, and dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Robert Chambless; Vice Chairman—B.M. Smith; Secretary—Donna Bell