Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Pine Grove Singing

Pine Grove Church, Collinsville, Alabama

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The annual Sacred Harp singing at Pine Grove Church, near Collinsville, Alabama, was held on the third Sunday in April. The class was called to order by Wayne Reed and Scot Oliver leading 32t. The opening prayer was offered by Donnie Reed. Wayne Reed welcomed the class.

Leaders: Wayne Reed and Scot Oliver 59; S.T. Reed 131b; Donnie Reed 235; Yancey Jett 312b; Susan Cherones 300; Jake Wilson 270; Boyd Scott 58; Eschol Hughes 348b; Ernestine Parker 47b; Daniel Lee 47t; Mary Ruth Stiefel 375; Jared Wootten 42; Nate Green and Norma Green 415; Judy Caudle 432; Sharon DuPriest 472; Jerry Kitchens 64; Linda Thomas 52t; Jamey Wootten 77t; Ed Thacker 163t.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Co-chairmen—Wayne Reed and Scot Oliver; Secretary—Judy Caudle; Arranging Officer—Cindy Tanner.


Wayne Reed and Scot Oliver led 384 (in memory of Bud Oliver) to bring the class back together. Leaders: Paula Oliver 217; Angela Myers 171; Darrell Swarens 40 (in memory of Milton Oliver); Nathan Rees 400; Drew McGuire 38b; Alanna Blanks, Arleigh Beard, and Bryant Beard 405; Margaret Thacker 39b; Reba Windom 236; Jackie Tanner 314; Michael Thompson 532; Terry Wootten 283; Elene Stovall 99.


The class was brought back to order by Rodney Ivey and Paula Oliver leading 101t. Leaders: Rodney Ivey 511; David Brodeur 528; Jerry Creason and Anne Sibole 546; Ann Jett 146; Verlon Stiefel 138b; Mark Carroll 349; Shelby Castillo and Reba Windom 186; Henry Johnson 205; Danny Creel 428; David Ivey 309; Rick Cunningham 178; Bob Watkins 480; Buell Cobb 69b; Shane Wootten 114; Scott Ivey 558.


The afternoon session began with Wayne Reed leading 421. Leaders: David Hufstetler 74b; Scott Kennedy 31t; Marty Wootten 176t; Susan Harcrow and Loyd Ivey 426b; Richard Ivey 434; Dennis George 358 (by request); Betty Shepherd 216; April Watkins, Taylor Watkins, and Cheyenne Ivey 276; Tom George 328; Bridgett Kennedy 500; Loyd Ivey 278b (for Hobert Ivey); Coy Ivey 222; Courtney Baine and David Ivey 354b; Cindy Tanner 436; Sarah Mikel and Paula Oliver 45t; Drew McGuire 378b; Ezra Lloyd 34b; Sue Wills and grandchildren 108t; Eschol Hughes 456; Nathan Rees, Rodney Ivey, and James Bradford 73t (in memory of Bud Oliver); Darrell Swarens and Danny Creel 111b (in memory of Harrison Creel); Daniel Lee 43; Dennis George 545 (for S.T. Reed); David Brodeur 474; Cindy Tanner and Judy Caudle 269 (in memory of Jeff and Shelbie Sheppard); Richard Ivey 567 (for S.T. Reed); Michael Thompson 156; Coy Ivey 465 (CB); Wayne Reed and Scot Oliver led 62 as the closing song. Wayne Reed offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Co-chairmen—Wayne Reed and Scot Oliver; Secretary—Judy Caudle