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New York State Regional Singing

Friends Meeting House, Ithaca, New York

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The New York State Regional Sacred Harp singing was held at the Friends Meeting House in Ithaca, New York. The class was called to order by Eric Bean leading 34b. The opening prayer was offered by Bob Wheeler.

Leaders: Scott Luscombe 38t; Ginny Huszagh 276; Faiz Wareh 468; Margaret Bornick 155; Melody Johnson 270; Barbara VanderJagt 49t; Dev Crasta 47b; Eileen Metzger 383; Tarik Wareh 164; Bob Wheeler 63; Cora Wareh 310; Thom Metzger 91; Len VanderJagt 515; Chris Haller 236; Emily Thompson 107; Ian McGullum 122.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Eric Bean; Arranging Committee—Eric Bean and Dennis Leipold; Secretary—Eileen Metzger (with help from Eric Bean, Ginny Huszagh, Melody Johnson and Lucy Roberts).


Eric Bean called the class to order leading 282. Leaders: Scott Luscombe 430; Ginny Huszagh 299; Dennis Leipold 182; Faiz Wareh 49t; Margaret Bornick and Ron Bornick 454; Melody Johnson 490; Barbara VanderJagt 472; Dev Crasta 186; Eileen Metzger 216; Tarik Wareh 172; Bob Wheeler 40; Cora Wareh 551; Thom Metzger 319; Len VanderJagt 29t; Chris Haller 267; Ian McGullum 306; Eric Bean 315; Scott Luscombe “Jonah”; Ginny Huszagh 163b; Dennis Leipold 189; Faiz Wareh 228; Margaret Bornick 335; Melody Johnson 121; Barbara VanderJagt 178; Dev Crasta 277; Eileen Metzger 505; Tarik Wareh 206.


Bob Wheeler reconvened the class by leading 504. Leaders: Cora Wareh 240; Thom Metzger 200; Len VanderJagt 168; Chris Haller 351; Ian McGullum 113; Eric Bean 335; Scott Luscombe 481; Ginny Huszagh 66; Dennis Leipold 480; Margaret Bornick 162; Melody Johnson 218; Barbara VanderJagt 313b; Dev Crasta 231; Eileen Metzger 379; Tarik Wareh 134; Bob Wheeler 86; Cora Wareh 225b; Thom Metzger 274t; Len VanderJagt 549; Chris Haller 184.


Lucy Roberts led 48b to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Eric Bean 71; Ginny Huszagh 56b; Dennis Leipold 82t; Faiz Wareh 368; Margaret Bornick 486; Melody Johnson 207; Barbara VanderJagt 146; Dev Crasta 38b; Eileen Metzger 76b; Tarik Wareh 332; Thom Metzger 423; Chris Haller 455; Lucy Roberts 28b; Eric Bean 528; Ginny Huszagh 503; Dennis Leipold 361; Margaret Bornick 77b; Melody Johnson 209.

Eric Bean led 62 as the closing song. Bob Wheeler offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Eric Bean; Secretary—Eileen Metzger