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Wootten Family New Year’s Eve Singing

Antioch Baptist Church, Ider, Alabama

December 31, 2013-January 1, 2014

The 52nd session of the Wootten Family New Year’s Eve Singing was called to order by Terry Wootten leading 48t and 67. The opening prayer was offered by Chris Boggs. Terry welcomed the class and led 32t.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Terry Wootten; Arranging Officer—Marty Wootten; Secretary—Judy Caudle.

Leaders: Shane Wootten 129; Marty Wootten 101t; Aaron Wootten 39t; Jim Aaron 503; Jenny Mann 66; Jared Wootten 42; Joan Aldridge 217; Doug Conn 546; Hayden Wootten and Cole Wootten 340; Donna Wootten and Cheyenne Ivey 76b; Boyd Scott 358; Robert Walker 490; Margaret Thacker 569b (for Betty Wright); Hobert Ivey and Lorrie Wootten 278b; David Hufstetler 457; Jeanette Dollard, Mary Ruth Stiefel, and Verlon Stiefel 100, 572 (CB); Nate Green and Norma Green 354t.


Terry Wootten led 176t to bring the class back together. Leaders: David Saylors 349; Sarah Vaughn, Macy Bell, and Kalista Bell 274t, 354b; Aaron Little 560; Katherine Eldridge 166; Andrew Mashchak and Daniel Miller 373; Sierra Saylors 481; Virginia Eldridge 322; B.M. Smith 475; Rebecca Eldridge 284; Daniel Gray 294; James Eldridge 97; Sonny Erwin 493; Adrian Eldridge 279; Kennedy Wootten and Jacquelyn Mitchell 559 (CB); Judy Caudle 542 (for Reba and Bill Windom); Daniel Bearden 502; Darrell Swarens 40 (in memory of Hugh Bill McGuire); Jerry Creason and Anne Sibole 47t; Bruce Coates 176b; Teresa Saylors 209; Levon Wootten, Terry Wootten, and Dewayne Wootten “Pass Me Not” (in memory of Myrtle Wootten and for Jimmy Haynes).


The class was brought back to order by Terry Wootten and Chris Boggs leading 511b (CB). Leaders: Dewayne Wootten 283; Bea Aaron 112; Beverly Coates 472; Jackie Tanner 477; Chris Holley and Kathe Pilobosian 68b (for Claudene Townson); Brenda Carroll, Linda Thomas, and Coy Ivey 384; Coy Ivey 465 (CB); Loyd Ivey 501 (CB); Elyssa Lloyd, Gideon Lloyd, and Ezra Lloyd 448b; Isaac Lloyd 547; Syble Adams 505 (CB); Louis Hughes 314; Ed Thacker 151; Billy See and Vickie See 128; Jackson Harcrow 229; Bridgett Hill Kennedy 142; Angela Myers 500; Margie Smith 108t; Gwena Caldwell 324; Jeffrey Wootten 306; Cindy Tanner 155; Betty Shepherd 216; Eloise Wootten 318; Lance Lloyd 162; Jamey Wootten 441; Pat Glenn and Terry Wootten 288, 518 (CB).


Rodney Ivey led 478 (CB) and 133 (CB) to begin the final session. Leaders: Terry Wootten 573 (CB); Louis Hughes 496 (for Hobert Ivey); Shane Wootten 567 (CB); Terry Wootten and Marty Wootten 562 (WB), 540 (CB), 559 (CB) (by request). The class sang “Joy to the World”. The closing prayer was offered by Bruce Coates, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Terry Wootten; Secretary—Judy Caudle