Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Old Flatwoods Primitive Baptist Church

Nauvoo, Alabama

May 11, 1997

The annual Sacred Harp singing at Old Flatwoods Primitive Baptist Church was held on the second Sunday in May.

The class was called to order by Joshua Keeton leading songs on pages 32 (t? b?), 59, and 111 (t? b?). The morning prayer was led by A. C. McGough.

The class organized by electing the following officers: Chairman—Joshua Keeton; Vice Chairman—Glenn Keeton; Secretary—Pam Keeton; Arranging Committee—Lena Wakefield.

Leaders: Josie Hyde 39b, 225 (t? b?), 137; Keterina Sanders 87, 146; Billy Williams 403, 28b; Ila Ingle 434, 436, 500; Elmer Conwill 30 (t? b?), 348b; A. C. McGough 475, 390, 454; Pam Keeton 382 (for her mother, Jimmie Gilmore, and grandfather, Garnsey McGough who had surgery), 171.


Joshua Keeton brought the class back to order leading song on page 45 (t? b?). Leaders: Cecil Sanders 489, 498; John Hyde 129, 75; Gene Wakefield 56 (t? b?), 57, 108b; Mae Conwill 73 (t? b?), 74b, 142; Glenn Keeton 64, 285 (t? b?), 503.

A memorial lesson was held with Josie Hyde leading song on page 182 in memory of Tom Roberson and Lola Myrtle Roberson; Ila Ingle leading 530 in memory of Tom, Mack, Joe, Martha, Grady, Robert, Luna, and Wallace Harper; Dorothea McCowan leading “Not Made With Hands” in memory of Johnnie Sue Beasley; Glenn Keeton leading 340 in memory of Floyd Davis; Lena Wakefield leading 45 (t? b?) in memory of Harvey East and Elsie Key.


Joshua Keeton brought the class back to order leading song on page 111b. Leaders: Ashley Keeton 354b, 124; Travis Keeton 343, 321, 235; Lena Wakefield, Gene Wakefield, Gwen Cornelius, and Glenn Keeton 371, 546, 490, 491; Dorothea McCowan 234, 196; Dustin McCowan and Dorothea McCowan 274 (t? b?); Kermit Adams 455, 426t, 426b; Beatrice Brewer 373, 384; Loretta Whitman 176b, 106, 269; Dovey Jackson 278b, 319, 421; John Beasley 290, 294, 480; Glenn Riddle and Josie Hyde 358, 143.

Joshua Keeton led song on page 46 as the closing song. Glenn Keeton dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Joshua Keeton; Vice Chairman—Glenn Keeton; Secretary—Pam Keeton.