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Pioneer Valley All-Day Singing

First Congregational Church Chapel, Sunderland, Massachusetts

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The 13th session of the Pioneer Valley All-Day Singing was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Eric Morgan leading 59. The morning prayer was offered by Tim Eriksen.

Leaders: Linda Shea 475; Jeremy Galvagni 131b; Kelsey Wessels 47t; Cheri Hardy 117; Matthew Leger-Small 189; Wendy Sibbison and Emily Hale-Sills 31t; Terry Ryan 218; John Holbrook 354t; Mary Jo Shafer 72b; Ed Smith 200; Maggie Shar 390; Rick Johnston 319; Maura Burns 93; Ron Woodland 171; Pat Callahan 506; John Davis 270; Bob Parr 216; Marta Gossage 333.

The following officers and committee members were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Eric Morgan; Vice Chairman—Linda Shea; Secretary—Jeremy Galvagni; Finance Officer—Jenna Strizak; Memorial Committee—Laura Timmerman and Dan Hertzler.


Dan Hertzler called the class back to order by leading 61. Leaders: Rosalie Elkinton and Buck Wanner 162; Mary Skidmore 564; George Sigut 122; Janet Morgan 314; Andal Sundaramurthy 278t; Katie Mahoney 220; Cristin McMurray 179; George Pomfret 327; Lori Rogers 472; Liz Cantrell 315; Barbara Swetman 542; Jenna Strizak and the finance committee 460; John Martin 489; Carol Selleck 73t; Paula Picton 276; Gideon Crevoshay 159; Donna Sewell 68b; Alexa Gilmore 26.


Linda Shea called the class back to order by leading 230. Leaders Katherine Glatter 290; Michael Nord 436.

Laura Timmerman conducted a memorial lesson in remembrance of the following deceased: Audrey Wiscera and Annaia Rittenberg—New York; Cheryl Stroud—Quebec; Rita Sibbison, Olive Woodland, Martin Mahoney, Richard Donovan, Marion O’Donnell, Robert Rader, Dean Clark, and Jane Lewis—Massachusetts; Marek Zapedowski—Poland; Carl McMurray—Florida; John Kochalka—Vermont; Patricia Watts—England. She led 348b in their memory.

Dan Hertzler conducted a lesson for the following people who are sick and homebound: Rob Loomis, Bill Tendy, Sylvia Kriebel, Marina Winquist, Briana Bean Hirch, Sharon Lehr, and Ron Bornick. He led 70t. Tim Eriksen closed the memorial service with prayer.

Leaders: Sheldon Finlay 129; Julia Seidenstein 318; Mike Richards 29t. A prayer before lunch was offered by Laura Timmerman.


Eric Morgan called the class back to order leading 89. Leaders: Peter Irvine 82t; Allison Steel 345b; Ian Quinn 488; Kshama Ananthapura 419; Lydia Vernon-Jones 50t; Kate Richardson 384; Dan Hertzler and Chuck Fergus 47b; Tim Eriksen 442; Jenna Strizak 282; Carol Selleck 288; Laura Timmerman 215; Alexa Gilmore 300; Janet Morgan 76b; Sheldon Finlay 112; Katie Mahoney 426t; Lori Rogers 379; Dan Hertzler 430; Donna Sewell 40; Amy Finlay 203; Paula Picton 411; Rosalie Elkinton 131t.


Cheri Hardy led 95 to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Eric Sandberg 569b; Maura Burns 271t; Terry Ryan 193; Pat Callahan and Joe Prieto 344; Ian Quinn 351; George Sigut 178; Marta Gossage 268; Bob Parr 532; Barbara Swetman 497; Julia Seidenstein 153; John Martin 191; Mary Skidmore 474; Liz Cantrell 492; Mike Richards 378t; Andal Sundaramurthy 101b; Mary Jo Shafer 101t; George Pomfret 535; Cristin McMurray 46; Kshama Ananthapura 138b.

The business meeting was called to order by Eric Morgan. The Finance Committee report was given by Jenna Strizak. Secretary Jeremy Galvagni reported that 88 songs had been led by 56 leaders. The Resolutions Committee thanked all those responsible for the success of the singing.

Following announcements, Eric Morgan, Linda Shea, and Jeremy Galvagni led 62 as the closing song. Eric Morgan offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Eric Morgan; Vice Chairman—Linda Shea; Secretary—Jeremy Galvagni