Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Missouri State Convention

St. John’s United Church of Christ, Pinckney, Missouri

March 9-10, 2013

Saturday, March 9

The 28th annual Missouri State Sacred Harp Singing Convention was called to order at 9:30 a.m. at St. John’s United Church of Christ by David Kaeser leading 29t. Tommy Schultz offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—David Kaeser; Secretary—Dave Ressler; Arranging Committee—Rebecca Browne, Gary Gronau, and Barbara Uhlemann; Memorial Committee—Jim Herr, Syd Caldwell, and Karen Isbell. Song selections were from the 1991 edition of The Sacred Harp and The Missouri Harmony.

Leaders: Rebecca Browne 411; Karen Isbell 142; John Uhlemann 228; Cherry Hinderberger 39t; Les Sontag 178; Daniel Gray 117; Jedidiah Schultz 270; Anne Drexler 454; Patti Sontag 87; Chuck McManis 143; Presley Barker 14 (MH); Ethan Schultz 101t; Roberta Strauss 203; Barbara Uhlemann 147 (MH); Meg Stauffer 47t; Elizabeth Schultz 47b; Marcus Whitman 98 (MH); Jeff Burlison 40; Pattie Doss 76b.


Bill Caldwell called the class to order leading 171. Leaders: Ann Leckie 159 (MH); Rhonda Machlan 475; Clarissa Fetrow 419; Jubal Schultz 338; Dave Ressler 168 (MH); Tim Von Engeln 163b; Carla Bermudez 109 (MH); Tommy Schultz 383; Dan Brittain 167 (MH); Don Bardsley 91; Jairus Schultz 59; Ted Johnson 286; Joe Thompson 217.


Dave Kaeser led 346 to call the class together. Leaders: Penny Kujawinski 372; Annie Grieshop 186; Evangeline Schultz 503; Micah Bechard 312b; Sheila Patterson 122; Jeff Breting 163t; Syd Caldwell and Margie Smith 373; Jo Dell Albi 65 (MH); Clark Garrett 63; Rochelle Lodder 135 (MH); Bill Beverly 19 (MH); Lori Graber 456; Jonathan Smith 444; Presley Barker 164 (MH). Presley Barker offered the blessing before the noon meal.


Evangeline Schultz called the next session together by leading 107. Leaders: Janet Fraembs 551; Darrell Swarens, Judy Mincey, and B.M. Smith 389; Marcia Johnson 127 (MH); Anna Pfau 328; Matt Bell 112 (MH); Reba Windom 384; Jim Herr 182; Noelle Copeland 236; Julie Vea 113 (MH); Nate Green and Norma Green 549; Pleasance Crawford 141 (MH); B.M. Smith 284; Melanie Hauff 83t; Gabriel Kyne 183; Wendy Futral 340; Judy Mincey 75 (MH); Logan Green 442.


Les Sontag began this session leading 542. Leaders: James Page 45 (MH); Len VanderJagt 99; Adriane Zitsos 82t; Angie Payne 77t; Ginny Landgraf 87 (MH); Martha Beverly 197; Gail Doss 92 (MH); John Ramsey 34t; Ted Mercer 80 (MH); Grace Patterson 313b; John Seaton 62 (MH); Clara Herr 564; Evelyn Lamb 89 (MH); Judy Hauff 148 (MH); Jim Hearne 180 (MH); Berkley Moore 10 (MH); Bill Caldwell 138 (MH).

Announcements were made. Lou Kujawinski closed the day with a prayer.

Sunday, March 10

The Sunday session of the Missouri State Sacred Harp Singing Convention was brought to order at 9:30 a.m. by Dave Kaeser leading 457. Darrell Swarens offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Rebecca Browne 200; David Lloyd 191; Anne Drexler 282; Shirley Figura 361; Wendy Hofmann 175 (MH); Julie Thompson 330b; Syd Caldwell and Reba Windom 216; Johanna Fabke 472; Dave Ressler 122 (MH); Clarissa Fetrow and Mary Alice Ingham 71; Bill Beverly 272; Jan Ketelle 38t; John Ramsey 98; Roberta Strauss 436; Gigi Flynn 176b; Nate Green and Norma Green 415; John Uhlemann 362; Charlie Derleth 384; Clara Herr 209; Tullaia Powell 313b.


Anna Pfau led 105 to call the class back together. Leaders: Karen Isbell 84 (MH); Elise delMas 276; Joan Aldridge 546; Jonathan Smith 151 (MH); Hollie Powell 106; Bill Caldwell 81 (MH); Martha Beverly 156 (MH); Len VanderJagt 102; Wendy Futral 339; Terry Hogg 147 (MH); Ethan Schultz and Nathan Schultz 147t.


Ginny Landgraf brought the class to order by leading 125. Leaders: Paul Figura 127 (MH); Evangeline Schultz 217; Melanie Hauff 68 (MH); Jairus Schultz 180 (MH).

Jim Herr spoke to begin the memorial lesson. Syd Caldwell read the following list of names of those deceased since the last convention: Myrtle Ann Beasley, Charles Creel, Harrison Creel, Julietta Haynes, Marie Ivey, Pauline Jackson, Ernie Jett, Pernie Pelfrey-Alabama; John Grant-Arkansas; Ruth Jackson Johnson-Florida; Behula Harris, Kedar Hollingsworth, Violet Thomason, Nancy Yeager-Georgia; Dora Belle Miller-Iowa; Richard Brayfield, Robert Graeff, Romelle Kaeser, Lee Steinmetz, Phil Trier-Illinois; Joan Fritz-Minnesota; Nellie Davis-Mississippi; Alex Bermudez, Roy Keller, Susan Martin, Mary Christina Roe-Missouri; Diogenes Allen-New Jersey; Wilma Casenhiser, Andrea Nagy Smith-Ohio; Jane Arp, Bob Anderson, Elaine Beyer-Wisconsin; and Tom Schultz-Ontario. Syd led 235.

Karen Isbell read the following list of names of sick and shut-ins: T.C. Bailey, Daphene Causey, Mary Gardner, Jimmie Gilmore, Art Gilmore, Coy Ivey, Bud Oliver, Sammie Oliver, S.T. Reed, Lessie Reed, Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, Genny Whitworth, Floy Wilder, Don Buswell, Anita Buswell, Andy Worthington, Carlene Griffin, Danny Griffin, John Kelso, Jerry Rollins, Connie Karduck, John Kaeser, David Rust, Marlene Rust, Bess Fitzgerald, Jim Hearne, John Markovitz, Lois Lee Ramsey, Mark Garrett, Loraine Bayer, Sharon Owens, Bob Scorgie, and Cath Tyler. Karen led 68b. Jim Herr closed the lesson with a prayer.

David Kaeser closed the morning singing the doxology as the blessing for lunch.


Gabriel Kyne led 48b to open the afternoon session. Leaders: Gail Doss 148; Jo Dell Albi 77 (MH); Jim Herr 440; Reba Windom 269; Darrell Swarens 111b (in memory of Harrison Creel); Pleasance Crawford and Chuck Crawford 477; B.M. Smith 441; Amy Foreman 448t; Louisa Foreman, Jacob Foreman, and Grace Foreman 277; Anna Pfau 392; James Page 139 (MH); Lori Graber 2 (MH), Judy Mincey and Mary Hosmer 177 (MH); Elizabeth Schultz 496; Jubal Schultz 89; Gabriel Kyne 228; Berkley Moore 166 (MH); Sheila Patterson 480; John Seaton 47t; Angie Payne 31t.


The final session began with Anne Drexler and Roberta Strauss leading 36b. Leaders: Grace Patterson 47b; Elaina Foreman 503; Natalie Day and Zoe Hosmer-Dillard 159; Clark Garrett 324; Evelyn Lamb 547; Julie Vea 430; Jedidiah Schultz 178; Judy Hauff 81 (MH); Noelle Copeland 532; Rochelle Lodder 13 (MH); Ted Mercer 70 (MH); Ariana Miller 344; Tom Schultz and Donna Schultz 365; Gary Gronau 192.

The Arranging Committee reported that eighty-five songs were led on Saturday and seventy-four on Sunday; and that fifteen states and Ontario, Canada, were represented by singers at this convention. Announcements were made.

Tommy Schultz closed the convention with a prayer. The class sang 347, and was dismissed.

Chairman—David Kaeser; Secretary—Dave Ressler