Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Berkshire Foothills Sacred Harp Singing

The Old Meeting House, Granville, Massachusetts

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A singing school was conducted by Robert Stoddard and Elizabeth Stoddard. They led 111t, 30t, 31b, 30b, 36b, 114, and 168 as part of the lesson.

The Berkshire Foothills All-Day Sacred Harp singing was called to order by Jan-Erik Steel leading 274t. Laura Timmerman offered the opening prayer.

During the business session, the following officers were elected to serve: Co-chairpersons—Joanne Fuller and Christine Andrews; Secretary—Sally Langendorf.

Leaders: Christine Andrews 29t; Joanne Fuller 176t; Sally Langendorf 144; Philippa Stoddard 85; Paula Picton 37b; Allison Steel 138b; Larry Bingham 47t; Ruby Francis and Joanne Fuller 131b; Angharad Davis 162; Devereux Fuller and Joanne Fuller 159; Ron Woodland 31t.


Claudia Smigelski called the class back to order leading 68b. Leaders: Maura Burns 271t; Dale Hoagland and Rebecca Hawkins 335; George Sigut 155; Erin Johnson-Hill 105; Kathryn Henderson, Danielle Radacosky-Pentoney, and Susie Ward 145t; Willis McCumber 203; Nathalie Levine 76b; Anne Kazlauskas 479; Cora Wareh 46; Leonard Spencer 442; Natalie Jablonski 542; Alex Hovet 86; Sasha Hsuczyk 313b; Tarik Wareh 284; Martha Lang 146; Brianna Morel 56t; Jeremy Galvagni 371; Barbara Swetman 383; Richard Schmeidler 120; Faiz Wareh 56b.


Laura Timmerman called the class to order leading 111b. Leaders: Kathy Collett 474; Alice Maggio 481; Andy Johnathan 381; Liz Cantrell 315; Robert Stoddard 396; Maeve Lowe and Angharad Davis 106; Terry Ryan 218; Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten 163t; Ben Bath 546; Katy Brown 53; Bill Holt 428; Sheila Kelley 556; Tim Eriksen 367; Elizabeth Stoddard 213t; Lynn deBenedette 107; Jean Seiler 217. Laura Timmerman offered a prayer for the noonday meal.


Joanne Fuller called the class to order leading 439. Leaders: Ian Gillis and Oona Kilcommons 209; Molly Merrett 67; Ian Quinn 236; Joanna Lampert 436; Matthew Leger-Small 551; Ellen Lueck 517; Tom Malone 527; Linda Shea 306; Chris Holley 268; Corey Walters 182; Sierra Marcum 457; John Holbrook 475; Zeke Wattles 40; Sasha Hsuczyk 82t; Liz Cantrell and Natalie Jablonski 425; Tarik Wareh and Faiz Wareh 232; Jeremy Galvagni and Barbara Swetman 299; Rebecca Hawkins and Dale Hoagland 178; Bennington College students 36b.


The class was called to order by Allison Steel and Mary Andrews leading 282. Leaders: Claudia Smigelski and Anne Kazlauskas 59; Maura Burns 148; Willis McCumber 384; Jean Seiler 142; Terry Ryan 193; Leonard Spencer 547; Lynn deBenedette 445; Nathalie Levine 230; Alice Maggio 186; George Sigut 480; Erin Johnson-Hill 129; Richard Schmeidler 147t; Sheila Kelley 503; Bill Holt 48t; Katy Brown 369; Andy Johnathan 29b; Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten 77t; Kathy Collett 344.

A business session was held. The Secretary reported that 117 singers from eight states had registered, and 68 leaders led 89 songs. It was moved and seconded that the Berkshire Foothills All-Day Sacred Harp Singing will reconvene on November 9, 2013, at the same location.

Joanne Fuller, Christine Andrews, and Sally Langendorf led 62 as the closing song. Liz Cantrell offered the closing prayer.

Chairpersons—Joanne Fuller and Christine Andrews; Secretary—Sally Langendorf