Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Capitol City Shape Note Singing

Loeb Reception Center, Montgomery, Alabama

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The 26th session of the Capitol City Shape Note Singing was called to order by Bill Hogan leading 33b and 36b. Tommie Spurlock offered the opening prayer. Joey Brackner, of the Alabama Center for Traditional Culture, welcomed everyone to the singing, and gave a brief history.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Bill Hogan; Secretary and Arranging Officer—Elene Stovall.

The class sang song selections from the Sacred Harp, 1991Edition. Leaders: Elene Stovall 172; Larry Ballinger 101t; Bea Carnathan 472; Eugene Forbes 168; Lisa Geist 273; Judy Chambless 142; Darlu Nall 277; T.J. Mauldin 133; Ledora Morris 146; Richard Mauldin 143 (for Josie Hyde); Glenn Keeton 178; Gosia Perycz 546.

The class sang from the Colored Sacred Harp. Leaders: Bill Hogan 4; Stanley Smith 9; Joey Brackner 24 (t? b?); Kenneth Sundberg 12; Tommie Spurlock 25; Stanley Smith and Nancy Hogan “Lord, Give Me Just a Little More Time.”


The class sang from the Christian Harmony, 2010 Revision. Leaders: Bill Hogan and Nancy Hogan 214; Chris Cotter 149; Katy Kanfer 268; Eddie Pierce 188; Louise Crunk 248 (?); Robert DuPree 264 (?); Billy Thompson 117.

The class sang from the B.F. White Sacred Harp, Cooper Edition. Leaders: Steve Helwig 273; Cheta Blakeley 478; Tom Fahrbach 464; Linda Thomas 84; Rebecca Over 225t; Fred Hoerr 38b; Robert Chambless 96; Alice Sundberg 53; Steve Grauberger 505; Bill Hogan 369.


The afternoon session began with the class singing from the Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition. Leaders: Larry Ballinger 323b; Ann Webb 318; Tim Taylor 189; Voncile Nall 380; Elizabeth Duffy 45t; Ercyl Vidrine 335; Adrian Nall 358; Rebecca Over 527; Lisa Geist 528; Darlu Nall 497; Jonathan Blakeley 236; Rose Rushin and Elene Stovall 217.

The class sang from the Colored Sacred Harp. Leaders: Bill Hogan 47 (t? b?); Joey Brackner 19; Stanley Smith 59; Kenneth Sundberg 95.


The class sang from the Christian Harmony, 2010 Revision. Leaders: Bill Hogan 133; Steve Helwig 43; Katy Kanfer 172; Tom Fahrbach 138 (t? b?); Eddie Pierce 171; Billy Thompson 179; Chris Cotter 312 (t? b?); Robert DuPree 86t.

The class sang from the B.F. White Sacred Harp, Cooper Edition. Leaders: Tommie Spurlock and Stanley Smith 156; Gosia Perycz 393t; Frank Strickland 145b; Bea Carnathan 559 (?); Fred Hoerr 336t; Judy Chambless and Robert Chambless 336b; T.J. Mauldin and Richard Mauldin 392; Eugene Forbes, Chris Means, Crystal Means, and Will Means 229; Glenn Keeton 144; Alice Sundberg 572; Steve Grauberger 410 (t? b?); Keven Eddins, Evie Eddins, Eli Eddins, Ezra Eddins, and Edith Eddins 268t; Adrian Nall, Voncile Nall, and Lori Herring 484.

Announcements were made. Bill Hogan, Steve Helwig, and Richard Mauldin led 72 (t? b?). The closing prayer was offered by Robert Chambless, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Bill Hogan; Secretary—Elene Stovall