Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Moore, Graves, and Calvert Memorial

Addington Chapel, Cullman County, Alabama

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The 103rd session of the Moore, Graves, and Calvert Memorial Sacred Harp Singing was held at Addington Chapel in Cullman County, Alabama, on Saturday before the third Sunday in June. Danny Creel brought the class to order by leading 34t and 35. Richard Mauldin offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were elected to serve: Chairman—Danny Creel; Vice Chairman—Emily Burleson; Secretary—Cassie Allen; Arranging Officer—Judy Caudle.

Leaders: Emily Burleson 213t; Cassie Allen 36b; Judy Caudle 101t; Richard Mauldin 100; Kate Coxon 535; Larry Ballinger 282; Ken Tate 86; Jennifer Clay 106; Eugene Forbes 63; Ann Jett 43; Lincoln Richardson 38b; Delone Cobbs 480; Geraldine Sharpton 229; David Broduer 68b; Linda Sides 328; Velton Chafin 152; T.J. Mauldin 268; Carol Fannin 225t; Leon Ballinger 490; Henry Guthery 511; Brenda Chafin 67; Butch White and Kenny Graves 30b.


Emily Burleson led 30t to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Warren Steel 74t; Elsie Moon 494; Jonathan Smith 220; Cindy Tanner 198; David Carlton 183; Freida Bledsoe 335; Amber Davis, Carson Davis, and Claire Davis 400, 82t; Wanda Capps 546; Kenneth Fannin 441; Kyle Hearn 186; Lincoln Richardson 569b; Danny Creel 269; Leon Ballinger 195; Eugene Forbes 110; Ken Tate 436; Cassie Allen 317; Henry Guthery 304; Kate Coxon 159; Emily Burleson 455. Leon Ballinger offered the blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Danny Creel, Ann Jett, Wanda Capps, and Cindy Tanner leading 475 (in memory of Flarce Calvert Creel).

Leaders: David Broduer 384; Velton Chafin 419 (in memory of Marion Chafin); Jonathan Smith 215; Larry Ballinger 98; Brenda Chafin 192; Richard Mauldin 358; Ann Jett 327; Geraldine Sharpton 178; David Carlton 203; Linda Sides 454; Warren Steel 392; Carol Fannin 81t; Delone Cobbs 73t; Amber Davis 380; Kenneth Fannin 417; Jennifer Clay and Delone Cobbs 31t; Butch White and Kenny Graves 146; Wanda Capps 222; Kyle Hearn 312b; Cindy Tanner 155; Judy Caudle 389; Richard Mauldin and T.J. Mauldin 512 (in memory of Harrison Creel); Emily Burleson and Danny Creel 498; Emily Burleson and Larry Ballinger 540; Brenda Chafin and Velton Chafin 573; Ernestine Parker 171; Judy Caudle 408 (by request).

Following announcements, Danny Creel led 532 as the closing song. He offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Danny Creel; Vice Chairman—Emily Burleson; Secretary—Cassie Allen