Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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FaSoLa Omaha All-Day Singing
St. Vincent Lehren’s Orthodox Church, Omaha, Nebraska
Saturday, March 31, 2012
The 14th session of the FaSoLa All-Day Singing was held at St. Vincent Lehren’s Orthodox Church in Omaha, Nebraska. Kathy Wood called the class to order at 10:00 a.m. leading 34b.
Leaders: Charles Scudder 39t, 324; Sharla Hulsey 312b, 40; Aura Lee Furgason 551, 344; Bruce Voyles 496, 523; Jenni Wallace 535, 421; Sue Pearson 472, 503; Aura Lee Furgason 569b, 99; Sharla Hulsey 35, 146.
The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Kathy Wood; Vice Chairman—Cindy Miserez; Treasurer—Sandra Squires; Secretary—Jim Wood.
Kathy Wood brought the class together leading 84 and 87. Leaders: Jenny Solheim 318, 217; Charles Scudder 479, 566; Jim Solheim 192, 377; Bruce Voyles 163b, 143; Charlotte Baldwin 42, 178; Sue Pearson 142, 474. Sharla Hulsey asked the blessing before the noon meal.
Kathy Wood and Jim Wood called the class to order leading 49b and 452. Leaders: Jenni Wallace 186, 228; Lorraine Duggin 515; Heather Josselyn-Cranson 141, 159; Jim Solheim 444, “Nebraska”; Cindy Miserez 31b, 31t; Charlotte Baldwin 77t, 497; Jenny Solheim 236, 171.
Kathy Wood called the class to order leading 68b. Sharla Hulsey offered prayer for the sick and shut-ins, and then led 72b. She spoke on behalf of the deceased, and led 510 in their memory.
Leaders: Heather Josselyn-Cranson 30b; Aura Lee Furgason 268; Charles Scudder 288; Bruce Voyles 59; Jim Solheim 270; Charlotte Baldwin 155; Jenni Wallace 475; Jenny Solheim 532; Cindy Miserez 354b; Sharla Hulsey 198; Charlotte Baldwin 481; Heather Josselyn-Cranson 45t; Bruce Voyles 117; Aura Lee Furgason 299; Charles Scudder 36b; Jim Solheim 203, 216; Jenni Wallace 373.
Jim Wood announced that sixty-eight songs were sung, and that there were seven singers from Iowa, twenty singers from Omaha, and three singers from Lincoln.
Kathy Wood led 62 as the closing song, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Kathy Wood; Vice Chairman—Cindy Miserez; Secretary—Jim Wood