Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Memorial Singing
Glencoe Senior Citizen Center

Glencoe, Alabama (near Gadsden)

March 19, 1995

The annual Memorial Sacred Harp Singing was held at Glencoe Senior Citizen Center the third Sunday in March. The class was called together by Hershell King leading song on page 59, followed with prayer by Lamar Smith. Lamar Smith then led song on page 30t. Jeff Sheppard led 75, 82t. The class was organized by electing the following officers: Chairman—Bud Oliver; Vice Chairman—Hershell King; Secretary—Alpha Black; Arranging Committee—Cindy Franklin. Leaders: Bud Oliver 39 (t? b?), 345t; Alpha Black 343, 345 (t? b?); Cecil Gilliland 217, 273; Gordon Wilkerson 220, 475; Lamar Smith 176b; Lawrence and Lula Underwood 189, 383, 300; Ester Brown 358, 454; Leola Smith 318.


Bud Oliver called the class back together by leading song on page 32t. Leaders called: Eloise Wootten 222; Shelbie Sheppard 186, 38b; Tony Ivey 31t, 285t; Linda Thomas 566; Liz Bryant 276, 122; Roy Nelson 35; Elene Stovall 172, 298; Edith Tate 72 (t? b?), 532; Buddy Tindal 503; Judy Mincey 299, 501; Velton Chafin 225 (t? b?), 303; Rex Wilks 47b; Milton Oliver 403, 384.


Bud Oliver called the class back together by leading song on page 30 (t? b?). Leaders: Loyd Ivey 426t, 424; Martha Woodard 142, 57; Barrett Ashley 30b; Susan Green 350; Don Bowen 515, 523; Ann Jett 141, 448t; Clayton Ezell 393, 34b; Marlon Wootten 83 (t? b?); Flarce Creel 269, 56t; Pam Nunn 212, 280; Thurman Nall 287; Carmon Brothers 358, “That Beautiful Land”; Ruby Phillips 331, 335; Cassie Franklin 391, 485; S. T. Reed 403, 425b; Chita Blakeley 543; Harrison Creel 498; Virgil Phillips 137; Waylon Blakeley 39 (t? b?); Jeff Sheppard 34 (t? b?); Cindy Franklin 317, 198. Bud Oliver led 146 for the closing song, and the class was dismissed with prayer by Hershell King.

Chairman—Bud Oliver; Vice Chairman—Hershell King; Secretary—Alpha Black.