Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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John Etheridge Singing (In Memorial to Winston Jones and Doss Bryan)

Valley Grove Primitive Baptist Church, Opp, Alabama

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The annual Sacred Harp singing at Valley Grove Primitive Baptist Church, Opp, Alabama, was held on the fourth Sunday in July. Song selections are from the B.F. White Sacred Harp, Cooper Revision. The class was called to order by Wayne Jones leading 32t and 49t. The opening prayer was offered by Bill Aplin. Tim Jones led 384 and 120. The introductory lesson was conducted by Ken Kelley leading 36b, 466, and 522.

Leaders: Rodney Ivey 392; Blake Sisemore 98; Loyd Ivey 463; Lelon PhiIlips 397; Nate Green and Norma Green 41; John BrowneIl 571.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Wayne Jones; Vice Chairman—Tim Jones; Secretary—Barbara Jones.


The class was called to order by Wayne Jones leading 59. Leaders: Scott Ivey 544; Sarah Kahre 203; Bill Hogan 86; Judy Caudle 478; Sue Bunch 444t; Billy Kelley 497; Ernest Cockcroft 553; Brian Kelley 112.


Tim Jones called the class back to order leading 424. Leaders: Mary Whitehurst 300; Morgan Bunch 324; Eva Padgett 47b; Larry Shaw 99; Frank Strickland 76b.

At this time, Wayne Jones made remarks about the history of the singing, and Mike Jones led 105b and 395t in memory of Doss Bryan. Tim Jones led 283t in memory of his father, Winston Jones. Rodney Ivey led 552 (?) in memory of John Etheridge. Wayne Jones led 513t to close the memorial lesson.

Leaders: Bill Aplin 436b; Joe NaIl 218; Michael Jones 282; Kramer Klein 106. Wayne Jones led 369. Tommie Spurlock offered the blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with the class singing 96. Leaders: Wayne Jones, Connor Tillman, and Avery Tillman 464; Edd Bass 309; Mike Jones 543; Learvene Bass 108t; Adrian NaIl 393t; Voncile Nall 507b; Ken Sundberg 42; Sam Schofield 401; Stanley Smith 156; Janet King 82 (t? b?); Tommie Spurlock 577; Loretta Jones 380t; Susan Cherones 40; Lloyd Jones 45t; Chip Westbrook 336b; Linda Westbrook 229, 465; Claude NaIl 572; Jewell Rowland 143.


Tim Jones led 63 to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Rodney Ivey 567; Loyd Ivey 505; Nate Green and Norma Green 418; Sarah Kahre 410 (t? b?); Bill Hogan 142; Judy Caudle 515; Sue Bunch 148; Ken Kelley 404; Kramer Klein 168.

Announcements were made. Tim Jones led 95b as the closing song. Ernest Cockcroft offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Wayne Jones; Vice Chairman—Tim Jones; Secretary—Barbara Jones