Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Ohio State Convention

Golden Gate Park, Brookville, Ohio (Dayton Area)

February 20-21, 2010

Saturday, February 20

The 18th annual Ohio State Convention was called to order by Chairman John Bayer.

A singing school was conducted by Tim Eriksen from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., with over 160 (t? b?) in attendance.

Sunday, February 21

The Sunday session was called to order by John Bayer leading 75. Elder Jim Herr offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—John Bayer; Secretary—Henry Schuman.

Leaders: Jim Herr 313t; Steve Duff 32t; Tim Eriksen 171; Jo Schultz 415; William Shetter 28b; Sue Duff 142; Roger Crabtree 183; Cecelia Kramer 547; Hans Bayer 240; Clara Herr 564; Michael Darby 131t; Melanie Hauff 30t; Brad Oglesby 192; Virginia Eldridge 436; Ray Rechenberg 480; Ruth Wampler 394; Greg Howard 488.


John Bealle brought the class to order leading 269. Leaders: Loraine Bayer 176t; Wayne Dell 66; Tim Eriksen lined “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”; Lori Graber 430; Jackson Pietrzak 159; Katherine Eldridge 87; Jubal Bayer 472; Katie White 377; Michael Domino 172; Ruth Dolby 350; Joe Todd 270; Rebecca Eldridge 349; Vic Whisman 503; Karen Arnett 532; Greg Creech 86; Laura Russell 318; Regina Frick 383; Eric Conrad 300; Carol Medlicott 112; Chuck Crawford 148; Ann Holzer and Hollie Long 178; Tom Kochan 569b; Michele Cull and Annaliza Cull 163b.

Greg Creech and Darrell Swarens conducted the memorial lesson. Greg Creech spoke for the sick and shut-ins and led 107 in honor of the following: Joanne Bowman, Janet Conrad, Linda Coppock, Karen Correlli, Geraldine Hooten, George Mister, Peggy Mister, Lelah Patterson, Joanne Reichel, David Rust, George Seiler, David Waters, and Marcille Welcome.

Darrell Swarens spoke for the deceased and led 335 in memory of the following: Willie Mae Moon and Thurman Nall—Alabama; Marie Smith—California; Janet Newton—Illinois; Alison Cochran—Indiana; Margaret Barnett, Jimmy Carmicle, and Mary White—Kentucky; Victoria Bolles—Massachusetts; Betsey Anderson—North Carolina: Bob Clay and Helen Kramer—Ohio; John Middleton—Ontario; and Nancy Katzen—Pennsylvania.


John Bayer brought the class to order leading 59. Leaders: Shawn Fenton 299; Roy McIntosh 45t; Megan Jennings 203; Ted Mercer 468; Darrell Swarens 47b; Reda McIntosh, Amy Phillips, and Lanson Phillips 312b; Adrian Eldridge 290; Katie Duff and Annaliza Cull 111t; Rich Overturf 100; Pleasance Crawford 556; James Eldridge 324; Beth Todd 234; Brian How 114.


John Bayer, Web Sink, and Barb Sink brought the class to order leading 82t. Leaders: Rebecca Eldridge 507; Bob Meek 542; Naomi Frick 551; Gerry Hoffman 99; Judy Hauff 411; Cleve Callison 276; Anne Missavage 157; Clem Flory 117; Eloise Clark 498; Bobbie Goodell 473; David Casenhiser and Wilma Casenhiser 288; Donna Kochan 34b; Henry Schuman 145t; Tim Eriksen 442.

Following announcements, John Bayer led 347 as the closing song. Elder Jim Herr dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—John Bayer; Secretary—Henry Schuman