Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Lacy Memorial Singing

Fuller Cemetery, Ider, Alabama

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The annual Lacy Memorial Sacred Harp Singing held on the first fifth Sunday following the 4th of July was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Reba Windom and Betty Shepherd leading 82t and 101t. Samuel Sommers offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Elene Stovall 172; Shane Wootten 349; Nate Green and Norma Green 283; Donna Wootten 74b; Henry Johnson 337; Joyce Whittington 76b; Loyd Ivey 89; Betty Wright 97; Hobert Ivey 235; Mary Ruth Stiefel 234; Eloise Wootten 426b; Dennis George 209; Judy Chambless 274t; Paul Figura 139; Carol Munro Mosley 392; B.M. Smith 313t (in memory of Jimmie Denney); Paige White and Reba Windom 178; Eddie Mash 301; Gerry Hoffman 216; Melvin Stiefel 565; Wayne Wootten 63; Charlene Wallace 186; John Seaton 47t; Deb Morton 299; John Plunkett 125; Susan Allred 183.


The class was called back together by Reba Windom leading 155. Leaders: Robert Chambless 317; Shirley Figura 28b; Darrell Swarens 203; Will Allred 300; Tom George 188; Rachel Allred 389; Jackson Harcrow 480 (for Aaron Wootten); Caleb Allred 47b; Scott Ivey 418; Betty Shepherd, Kirk Shepherd, Chris Shepherd, Reba Windom, Regina Castillo, Shelby Castillo, Casey Castillo, James Castillo, Joseph Castillo, Kathy James, Sharon King, Noah King, Jared King, Jeanie Lacy, Deb Morton, Daniel Morton, Wendy Morton, Garrett Morton, Angie Collier, and Lacy Collier 159; Samuel Sommers 184; Marcia Johnson 218; Jonathan Smith 224; Karen Freund 500; Ted Mercer 468; Lynne deBenedette 498; Ted Johnson 269; Jenna Strizak 70b; Danny Arms 304; Nathan Rees 230; Jerry Enright 95; Pierce Phillips 397.


The afternoon session was called to order by Reba Windom and Betty Shepherd leading 137. Leaders: Jackie Tanner 30b; Sarah Jenkins 99; James Castillo and Joseph Castillo 542; Karen Ivey 472; Bud Oliver 421; Daphene Causey 196; Joan Aldridge 473; Susan Harcrow 383; David Ivey 271t (in memory of Aunt Margie); Jeannette DePoy 492; Sharon DuPriest 189; Cindy Tanner and Ainslie Allen 146; Shelby Castillo 36b; Linton Ballinger 35; Joyce Walton and Michael Thompson 456; Ed Thacker 220; Angie Collier 46; Joel Jenkins 112; Brian Maxwell, Jaren Maxwell, Avalea Maxwell, Isaac Maxwell, Gavin Maxwell, and Rian Maxwell 445; Andrew Whaley 272; Loyd Ivey and Betty Shepherd 511b (CB); Jim Boyle 308; Jerry Enright, Karen Freund, and Lynne deBenedette 378t; Marcia Johnson, Ted Johnson, and Ted Mercer 348b; John Seaton and Carol Munro Mosley 455; Charles Stiefel 312b; Darrell Swarens and Joan Aldridge 217; Danny Arms 177; Jonathan Smith, Nathan Rees, and Jenna Strizak 192; Gerry Hoffman and Katie White 168; Samuel Sommers 24b; Eddie Mash and Andrew Whaley 384; Michael Thompson 436.

Announcements were made. Reba Windom and Betty Shepherd led 146 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer.

Co-Chairpersons—Reba Windom and Betty Shepherd; Secretary—Donna Wootten