Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Quebec Sacred Harp Convention
St. George’s Anglican / Episcopal Church, Lennoxville, Quebec,
and Town Hall, Ways Mills, Quebec
July 10-11, 2009
Friday night, July 10
The 15th annual Quebec Sacred Harp Singing Convention met at St. George’s Anglican / Episcopal Church. Cheryl Stroud called the class to order by leading 47t. Chuck Neville offered the opening prayer.
The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairperson—Cheryl Stroud; Secretary—Chuck Neville.
Leaders: Cheryl Stroud 117; Cathy Brochet 163b; Howard Katz 99; Bobbie Goodell 276; Chuck Neville 49b; Inez Luttgen 171; Christopher Weslowski 300; Phil Dutton 190 (?); Cathy Brochet 178; Howard Katz 49t; Bobbie Goodell 40; Kyle Greenlee 63; Chuck Neville 569b; Inez Luttgen 142; Christopher Weslowski 107; Cheryl Stroud 183.
The class was brought back together by Cheryl Stroud leading 146. Leaders: Phil Dutton 504; Howard Katz 212; Bobbie Goodell 163t; Kyle Greenlee 168; Chuck Neville 347; Inez Luttgen 217; Christopher Weslowski 122; Phil Dutton 410t; Cathy Brochet 452; Howard Katz 59; Bobbie Goodell 503; Cheryl Stroud 455.
The closing prayer was offered by Chuck Neville.
Saturday, July 11
The Saturday session of the Quebec Sacred Harp Singing Convention, held at the Town Hall of Ways Mills, Quebec, was called to order by Cheryl Stroud. Chuck Neville offered the morning prayer.
Leaders: Paul Gauthier 31t; Howard Katz 99; Inez Luttgen 430; Kyle Greenlee 315; Dan Hertzler 82b; Bobbie Goodell 56b; Cathy Brochet 86; Chuck Neville 163b; Paul Gauthier 192; Howard Katz 196.
Cheryl Stroud brought the class back together by leading 198. Leaders: Christopher Weslowski 143; Inez Luttgen 319; Kyle Greenlee 40; Dan Hertzler 556; Bobbie Goodell 344; Phil Dutton 66; Chuck Neville 569b; Paul Gauthier 421; Cheryl Stroud 53; Howard Katz 481; Inez Luttgen 419; Christopher Weslowski 300; Lynette Combs 312b; Dan Hertzler 85; Bobbie Goodell 540; Phil Dutton 268; Cheryl Stroud 82t; Howard Katz 362; Chuck Neville 217; Paul Gauthier 34b; Christopher Weslowski “Ten Thousand Charms”; Cheryl Stroud 180.
Cheryl Stroud called the class back to order leading 146. Leaders: Phil Dutton 335; Paul Gauthier 340; Mary Neville 480.
Chuck Neville conducted the memorial lesson leading 68b in memory of the following deceased: Orlela Combs, Bill Kennett, George Young, Mae Ann Stevens—New Hampshire; Fenno Heath—Connecticut; and Marjorie Januszkiewicz—State Unknown.
Cheryl Stroud led 452 dedicated to the sick and shut-ins.
Leaders: Dan Hertzler 348b; Inez Luttgen 228; Lynette Combs 277; Cathy Brochet 503; Kyle Greenlee 91; Bobbie Goodell 174; Phil Dutton 547; Chuck Neville 49b; Cathy Brochet 45t; Paul Gauthier 492; Mary Neville 528; Dan Hertzler 542; Virginia Neville 532; Inez Luttgen 402; Lynette Combs 280; Howard Katz 472; Bobbie Goodell 473; Kyle Greenlee 147t; Cheryl Stroud 455.
Announcements were made. The dates for the 2010 convention were set to be the 9th and 10th of July.
Cheryl Stroud called the class back to order leading 47t. Leaders: Phil Dutton 497; Chuck Neville 162; Cathy Brochet 347; Leonard Spencer 260; Paul Gauthier 384; Mary Neville 383; Howard Katz 30b; Cheryl Stroud 159; Don Peabody 410t; Virginia Neville 163t; Cathy Brochet 47b; Inez Luttgen 76b; Lynette Combs 133; Howard Katz 108b; Bobbie Goodell 474; Leonard Spencer 70b; Phil Dutton 311; Mary Neville 142; Paul Gauthier 499; John Henderson 155.
Chairperson—Cheryl Stroud; Secretary—Chuck Neville