Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Rutherford County Sacred Harp Singing

King’s Chapel, Arrington, Tennessee

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The 1st Rutherford County Sacred Harp Singing was held in the King’s Chapel church in Arrington, Tennessee, on Saturday before the second Sunday in October. The class was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Ron Harper leading 101t. Bob Simmons offered the morning prayer.

The class organized by appointing the following officers to serve: Co-Chairmen—Ron Harper and Jeff Adcock; Arranging Committee—Cassie Allen; Secretary—Janie Harper.

Leaders: Ron Harper 312b; Jeff Adcock 72b; Jeff Adcock and Kyle Webb 63; Bob Simmons 313t; Cassie Allen 217; Henry Johnson 288, 418; Marilyn Burchett 551; Laurens Blankers 479; Tim Reynolds 492; Darrell Swarens 350; Bridgett Hill 440; Sarah Smith 146; Cheyenne Ivey 128; Bob Meek 274t; Judy Caudle 224.


Cassie Allen brought the class back to order by leading 73t. Leaders: Jackie Tanner 39b; Sandy Scott 448t; Eddie Mash 112; B.M. Smith 475; Emily Creel 455; Rodney Ivey 442; Gail Doss 535; Caleb Dillehay 472; Harrison Creel 111b; Tim Scott and Jeff Adcock 28t; Wanda Capps 192; Gary Smith 66; David Carlton 134; Richard Ivey 391; April Watkins and Cassie Allen 354b; Cindy Tanner 335; Mercy Watkins 215.


Ron Harper brought the class together by leading 203. Leaders: Bob Morris and Bob Meek 155; Bob Meek 441; Laurens Blankers 40; Darrell Swarens 542; Henry Johnson 375; Harrison Creel 498; Bridgett Hill 448b; Wanda Capps 546; Sandy Scott 385b; Gail Doss 302; David Carlton 332; Emily Creel 138t; Cindy Tanner 123t. Tim Reynolds offered prayer before the lunch break.


The afternoon session was called to order by Jeff Adcock leading 49t. Leaders: Bob Simmons 532; Kyle Webb and Jeff Adcock 452; Caleb Dillehay 280; Jackie Tanner 299; B.M. Smith 182; Richard Ivey 268; Marilyn Burchett 42; Tim Reynolds 163b; Judy Caudle 478; Eddie Mash 189; Sarah Smith 544; Gary Smith 178; Seth Holloway 388; Byron Burchett 47b, 379.

Following announcements, Ron Harper led 142 as the closing song. Bob Simmons offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Co-Chairmen—Ron Harper and Jeff Adcock; Secretary—Janie Harper