Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Portland Sacred Harp Singing

The Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie, Oregon

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The 2nd annual Portland Sacred Harp singing was called to order by Thom Fahrbach leading 448b. The opening prayer was offered by Connie Stanton. Thom Fahrbach spoke briefly of welcome, the day’s procedures, and then made a few brief announcements.

A brief meeting for business was held for the acceptance of officers either elected or appointed as follows: Chairman—Thom Fahrbach; Secretary—Lyle Lindsey.

Dan Tomah conducted a brief singing school leading 34b.

Leaders: Tamara Harris 155; Heather Ikeler 452; Lyle Lindsey 84; Betsy Jeronen 186; Connie Stanton 143; Dan Thoma 34b; Marie Brandis 142; Steve Cackley 61; Greg Saue 163b; Martha Sherwood 203; Jack Lofton 29t; Jean Murphy 171; Anita Shaperd 106; Tigre Lusardi 59; Winene Nimomo 49b; Scott Kennedy 344; Myles Alexander 328; Meg Larson 147b; Philip Haines 276; Jordon Singer 86.


Meg Larson called the class back to order leading 49t. Leaders: Steve Helwig 137; Tammi Ziola 160b; Erik Schwab 70b; Peter Schinske 178; Karen Stingle 254; Bill Walters 442; Kathy Vlach 280; Bob Schinske 318; Emily Lash 95; Kaiti Carpenter 47b; Gary Plouff 101b; Erika Wilson 377.


Marie Brandis called the class back to order leading 445. Leaders: Karl Oswald 304; Julie Strayer Thoma 77t; Matt Keegan 455; Fred Nimomo 347; Suzanne Denker 85; Robert Norman 163t; Steve Tarr 464; Liz Bryant 384; Tom McTighe 28b; Chris Cotter 558; Jessica Beer 434; David Wright 250. Connie Stanton offered prayer before dinner on the grounds.


Dan Thoma called the class back to order leading 64. Leaders: Liz Bryant 542; Chris Cotter 183; Caleb Hardy 53; Tamara Harris 440; Jenn Dolan 210; Thom Fahrbach 215; Eric Holt 33b; Anita Shaperd 216; Ethan Hardy 78; Jessica Beer 378b; Erik Schwab 168; Abraham Hardy 297; Dan Thoma 228; Paul Berry 141; Jordan Singer 89; Erika Wilson 26; Gary Plouff 400; Emily Lash (no number listed); Kathy Vlach 362; Jean Murphy 209.


Connie Stanton called the class back to order leading 99. Leaders: Lyle Lindsey 510; Jack Lofton 245; Matt Keegan 547; Katie Carpenter 217.

A business meeting was held for the purpose of hearing committee reports. Treasurer, Heather Ikeler, reported expenses had been met. The Resolutions Committee thanked all the committee members and individuals for their efforts in making the singing a success.


Jessica Beer called the class back to order leading 82t. Leaders: Betsy Jeronen 448t; Karl Oswald 38t; Thom Fahrbach 485; Julie Strayer Thoma 129; David Wright 229; Greg Saue 535; Meg Larson 330b; Tom McTighe 56b; Steve Helwig 491; Scott Kennedy 546; Bill Walters 148; Jenn Dolan 122; Steve Cackley 412; Tammi Ziola 567; Suzanne Denker 496; Myles Alexander 479; Karen Stingle 475; Connie Stanton 466.

Announcements were made. Thom Fahrbach led 36b as the closing song. Dan Thoma offered the closing prayer, and class was dismissed.

Chairman—Thom Fahrbach; Secretary—Lyle Lindsey