Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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New Providence Primitive Baptist Church

Ringgold, Louisiana

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The 1st annual Sacred Harp singing was held at New Providence Primitive Baptist Church on the second Saturday in September using the Cooper revision in the morning and the Denson revision in the afternoon. The morning session was called to order by Robert Vaughn at 10:00 a.m. leading 59. The morning prayer was offered by Joshua McClain.

Leaders: Robert Vaughn 461 (CB); Crystal Meadows 138t (CB), 505 (CB); Evelyn Lamb 49b (CB), 543 (CB); Joshua McClain 45t (CB), 329 (CB); Lindsey Wiggins 35 (CB), 567 (CB); Baron Powers 63 (CB), 127 (CB); Sonya Kirkham 559 (CB), 31t (CB); Frank Walsh 162 (CB), 348t (CB).


Robert Vaughn called the class back to order leading 358 (CB). Leaders: Carole Watts 571 (CB), 40 (CB); Odis Chapman 500 (CB), 501 (CB); Peggy Ray 507b (CB), 47t (CB); Tim McClain 73t (CB), 72 (CB); Peggy Chapman 46 (CB), 367 (CB); Crystal Meadows 276 (CB); Robert Vaughn “Hark, My Soul”, 36b (CB). Elder Joe Asbell closed the morning session with prayer and offered the blessing for the noon meal.


Robert Vaughn called the afternoon session back to order at 1:10 PM leading 288. Leaders: Crystal Meadows 163b, 29t; Evelyn Lamb 300, 203, Joshua McClain 360, 47b; Lindsey Wiggins 107, 36t; Baron Powers 119, 335; Sonya Kirkham 493, 497; Frank Walsh 86, 82b; Odis Chapman 146, 82t; Peggy Ray 282; Tim McClain 535b, 143; Peggy Chapman 349, 348b.


Robert Vaughn called the class back to order leading 142. Leaders: Crystal Meadows 183; Evelyn Lamb 383; Joshua McClain 235b; Lindsey Wiggins 460; Baron Powers 85; Sonya Kirkham 373; Frank Walsh 58; Odis Chapman 61, Tim McClain 105.

Following announcements, Robert Vaughn led 347 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Tim McClain, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Robert Vaughn; Secretary—Sonya Kirkham