Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Emmaus Primitive Baptist Church

Carrollton, Georgia

Sunday, May 1, 2005

The annual Sacred Harp singing at Emmaus Primitive Baptist Church was held on the first Sunday in May. The class was called to order by Bernard Denney leading 63 and 100. The morning prayer was offered by Bernard Denney.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Bernard Denney; Vice Chairman—Philip Denney; Secretary—Sheri Taylor; Arranging Committee—Lisa Webb; Memorial Committee—Myron House and Jan House; Chaplain—Hugh McGraw.

Leaders: Bernard Denney 145b; Philip Denney 34b, 84; Charlene Wallace 276, 283; Lisa Webb 369, 198; Jimmie Denney 146, 148; Oscar McGuire 376, 441; Sheri Taylor 27, 448t; Henry Guthery III 101t, 97; Robert Chambless 72b; Bobby Jackson 147t, 499, 112; Sherrie Edwards 159, 282.


The class resumed singing with Philip Denney and Karis Askin leading 401. Leaders: Hugh McGraw 448b, 420; John Wall 535, 47b; Henry Guthery 205, 189; B.M. Smith 204, 475; Caroline Folds 56t, 87; Earlis McGraw 225t, 284; Stanley Edwards 76b, 145t; Judy Chambless 32t, 569b.


Bernard Denney brought the afternoon session to order by leading 155 and 171. Leaders: Richard DeLong 375, 379; Lonnie Rogers 389, 222; Cecil Roberts 30b, 81t.

A memorial lesson was held with Richard DeLong leading 70t for the following deceased: Sherry Guthery, Naomi Sailors, Frank Wilson, Kelly Beard, Otis Hester, Charles Wellman, and Harry Fox.

B.M. Smith led 340 and 58 for the following sick and shut-ins: Gladys McGraw, Nancy Allen, Jap Walton, Joyce Walton, Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, B.J. Harris, Evelyn Harris, Alice Edwards, Myrtle Smith, and Violet Thomason. Cecil Roberts closed the memorial with prayer.

Leaders: Myron House 545, 26; Sherry Lovvorn 143, 405; Donna Duke 168, 425; Lori Goode and Mary Elizabeth Goode 343, 25; Jan House 323b, 151; Dennis Folds 452; Laura Frey 46, 358; Gene Duke 406, 80 (t? b?); Henry Guthery 431; Robert Chambless 75; Philip Denney 120; Bernard Denney 299.

Bernard Denney and Philip Denney led 62 as the closing song, and Philip Denney dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Bernard Denney; Vice Chairman—Philip Denney; Secretary—Sheri Taylor.