Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Hopewell Primitive Baptist Church

Roopville (near Ephesus), Georgia

June 20, 2004

The annual Sacred Harp singing was held on the third Sunday in June at Hopewell Primitive Baptist Church in Roopville, near Ephesus, Georgia. This singing has been held on this same date for more than 100 years. The class was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Lonnie Rogers leading 75. John Plunkett led 52t and 49t; Jeff Sheppard led 81t and 109. The opening prayer was offered by John Plunkett.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Denney Rogers; Vice Chairman—Philip Denney; Secretary—Karen Rollins; Arranging Committee—Charlene Wallace; Memorial Committee—Sherry Lovvorn, Josephine Denney, and Chuck White.

Leaders: David Richardson 32t, 39t; Felton Denney 387, 523; Karen Rollins 143, 489; Don Bowen 40, 155; Eunice Webb 426t, 426b; Jimmie Denney 101t, 87; Sheri Taylor 349, 440; Tommy McGraw 138t, 475; George Garner 186; Carlene Griffin 70t, 77b; Earlis McGraw 284, 132.


Philip Denney brought the class back to order leading 27. Leaders: Dylan Denney 178; Melinda Snow 163b, 551; Cecil Roberts 335, 303; Floy Wilder 373, 297; Oscar McGuire 344, 573; Lela Crowder 110, 111b; Bob Parr 288, 546; Lisa Webb and Laura Frey 430, 300; Louis Hughes 176t; Sharona Nelson 384; Donna Bell 142, 192; Rick Johnson 392, 274b; Helen Brown 278t, 556.

Chuck White, Treasurer of the Hopewell Cemetery Committee, gave his report, and stated that the church has two CDs that are for $22,535.67 and $40,901.22. The latter is a recent addition from the will of Bennie Traylor Jackson. There are checking accounts at First Georgia Bank that are used for the church and its grounds, and for the cemetery. Glenn Garrett has recently cleaned the cemetery and its tombstones for $850. The total amount in checking and savings is $68,738.62. Chuck White thanked Lonnie Rogers for all the work that he had done for the church, and noted that Lonnie has an abiding love for the place. After this report, the singing was dismissed for lunch. Rev. Gerald Rogers gave the prayer for the noon meal.


Chairman Denney Rogers brought the afternoon session to order leading 112 and 100. Kathy Williams led 171 and 318.

The memorial lesson was held. The Lonnie Rogers children (Karen Rollins, Karleen Williams, Paige Harrod, Sherry Lovvorn, and Denney Rogers) led 405 for the deceased: Mozelle Sheppard, Estelle Flowers, Mina Prince, Harold Jackson, and Kate Daniel—Georgia; Alonzo Edwards and Gladys Simmons—Alabama.

The children of N.E. Denney (Felton Denney, Jimmie Denney, Max Denney, and Eris Muse) led 77t for the sick and shut-ins which included: Richard DeLong, Bobby Jackson, Casey Brown, and Dorsey Denney.

Chuck White spoke about how much the deceased meant to us, and he asked that we not forget our roots. He noted the joy he sees in the faces of singers. The memorial lesson was closed with prayer led by Jeff Sheppard.

Leaders: Shelbie Sheppard 29b, 505; Bobby Watkins 76b, 480; Lyra O’Brien 214, 101b; Louis Hughes, Jr. 138b; Nancy Reid 86, 147t; Dennis O’Brien 353, 339; Ann Kazlauskas 201, 228; Josephine Denney and Renita Folds 45t, 358; Seth Denney, Lee Denney, Dylan Denney, and Philip Denney 84, 120; Mildred Patterson 111t, 319; Louise Holland 137, 37b; Charlene Wallace 347.

Announcements were made. Lonnie Rogers, Denney Rogers, and Karen Rollins led 343 as the closing song. Louis Hughes offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Denney Rogers; Vice Chairman—Philip Denney; Secretary—Karen Rollins.