Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Chicago Anniversary Singing

Irish-American Heritage Center, Chicago, Illinois

Sunday, January 11, 2004

The twentieth session of the Chicago Anniversary Singing was held in the Irish-American Heritage Center, Chicago, Illinois on the second Sunday in January. Cathryn Baker called the class to order at 10:00 a.m. leading 479. Herb Schroeder offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Doug Stapleton 99; Karen Freund 82t; Herb Schroeder 31t; Steve Warner 171 (for Don Bowen and Syd Caldwell); David Wright 276; John Greven 198; Rachel Adelstein 351; Berkley Moore 90; Grace Scrimgeour 33b; Paul Wyatt 53.

A business meeting was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chair—Cathryn Baker; Vice Chair—Megan Jennings; Secretary—Becky Allen-Powell; Arranging Committee—Doug Stapleton and Steve Warner; Chaplains—Herb Schroeder and Jim Swanson; Memorial Committee—Jim Crawford and Carol Crawford; Finance Committee—Randy Neufeld; Resolutions Committee—Rachel Adelstein.

Leaders: Jim Swanson 396; Terry Hogg 106; Carol Crawford 370; Bill Beverly 297; Rochelle Lodder 36b; Bob Borcherding 183; Beth Reed 271t; Ginny Landgraf 375; Wally Bloch 148.


Becky Allen-Powell called the class to order leading 68b. Leaders: Denise Kania 274t; Wayne Hartman 35; Ann Miczulski 30t; Al Frank 146; Brad Oglesby 405; Susan Kessell 455; Gary Gronau “Bunker Hill”; Johanna Fabke 350; Kshama Ananthapura 379; Bruce Holmes 178; Martha Beverly 196 (for Alabama folks); Jim Pfau 203; Wendy Wahn 372; Jeremy York 66; Don Keeton 89; Kathy Kaiser 29t; Jim Helke 229; Suzanne Flandreau 163t; Dave Ressler 228; Judy Holst 129.

Jim Crawford and Carol Crawford conducted the memorial lesson, and spoke of the ones who were the bricklayers who laid the foundations for the conventions and weekly singings. They remembered Ruth Brown as instrumental in strengthening the Chicago group by bringing Southerners to the north. “Remember the sweet memories they left.” They then led 235 for the deceased: Charles Lewis—New Mexico; Robert Sanders, Flora Bingham, Harry Hutton, and Anthony Jefferson—Illinois; Vern Handrick—Wisconsin; Alan Bates—England; Cecilia Hauff—South Dakota; Ruth Brown—Alabama; Bob Warner—California; Virginia Bloom and Ray Bloom—Missouri; Manya Unger—New Jersey; Dinah Breunig—Vermont; Ann Elaine Cullor—Colorado.

The list of the sick and shut-ins was read and 34t was led in their honor. Those remembered were: Beau Caldwell—Arkansas; Doris Littrell—Tennessee; Kenneth Russell—Pennsylvania; Emily York, Suzanne Checchia, and Hazel Williamson—Illinois; Nick Pender and Richard DeLong—Georgia; Bob Scorgie, Bob Anderson, and Eileen Buchanan—Wisconsin; Kelly Beard—Texas; Mildred Segal—Florida; Pauline Childers—Michigan; Ronnie Meadows—Alabama. A prayer was offered, and the memorial was closed.

Cathryn Baker led 318. Jim Swanson offered prayer for the noon meal.


Cathryn Baker brought the class back to order leading 81t. Leaders: Becky Browne 362; James Page 71; Becky Allen-Powell 354b; Ted Johnson “A Joyful Noise”; Tina Seastrom 34b; Nick Pasqual 302; Liisa Eckersberg 105; Jerry Enright 383 (for Kelly Beard); Julie Vea 419; Mirjana Lausevic 37b; Randy Neufeld 32t; Marcia Johnson 218; Paul Figura 388; Lisa Grayson 436; Tim Eriksen 39t; Jeanette Lowry 411; Ted Mercer 217; Annie Grieshop 40; John Seaton 47t; Melanie Hauff 216; Henry Schuman 532 (for Pauline Childers).


Judy Hauff brought the class back to order leading 282.

The founders of the Chicago Sacred Harp Singers led 47b. Standing members were: Ted Johnson, Marcia Johnson, Herb Schroeder, Judy Hauff, Wendy Wahn, and Ted Mercer.

Leaders: Laura Clawson 142; Jim Lawrie 441; Jeanette Nelson 481; Kris Richardson 335; Beverley Enright 480; Anne Heider 189; Rosalynn Anderson 159; Bill Beverly and Martha Beverly 269; Jim Crawford and Carol Crawford 186; David Wright 172; Becky Browne, Dave Ressler, Gary Gronau, Jeanette Lowry, and Paul Figura 384, 270; Orwin Youngquist 28t; Ginny Landgraf 542; Beth Reed 475; Mirjana Lausevic and Tim Eriksen 144; Kshama Ananthapura and Laura Clawson 215.

Randy Neufeld gave the Finance Committee’s Report, and stated that the goal had been met to cover the expenses of the singing.

Rachel Adelstein presented the Resolutions Committee Report.

After announcements were made, 347 was led as the closing song while those who wished took the parting hand. Jim Swanson offered the benediction, and the class was dismissed.

Chair—Cathryn Baker; Vice Chair—Megan Jennings; Secretary—Becky Allen-Powell.