Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Little Vine Primitive Baptist Church

Empire, Walker County, Alabama

June 15, 2003

The annual Sacred Harp singing held at Little Vine Primitive Baptist Church on the third Sunday in June was called to order by Henry Guthery leading 34b. Harrison Creel offered the morning prayer.

The class was organized for the day with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Harrison Creel; Vice Chairman—Henry Guthery; Secretary—Kathleen Robbins; Acting Secretary—Wendy Franklin Boggan; Arranging Committee—Billy Williams.

Leaders: Henry Guthery 82t; David Rust 81t, 123b; Matthew Wojcik 52t, 100; Winell Sanders 225t; Emily Creel 142, 224; Rosie Wojcik 129, 203; Marlin Beasley 336, 192; John Marr 146, 373; Suzanne Flandreau 40, 32t; Ken Tate 457, 432; Jim Helke 350, 341; Chip Ward 112, 442; Nancy Reid 566, 497.


Henry Guthery called the class to order leading 45t. Leaders: Claire Singleton 178; Wendy Boggan 30t; Daniel David 49b, 216; Kathy Robinson 436, 434 (for her mother, Kathleen Robbins); Harrison Creel 89, 342; Robert Dove 147t; Dave Richardson 33t, 345b; Grace Scrimgeour 33b, 28b; Ann Jett 327, 269; Marlen Rust 133; Charlotte Ehrman 66, 490; Edith Tate 532; Cassie Franklin 222, 398; Matthew Wojcik 352; Harrison Creel 111b.


Harrison Creel brought the afternoon session to order leading 498. Leaders: Brenda Peña 325, 569t; Sarah Smith 445, 209; Flarce Creel 475, 384; Gary Smith 565, 31t; John Marr 296; Danny Creel 196, 383; Sylvia Childers 59, 143; Elsie Moon 202, 394; Cassie Franklin 494, 76b; Billy Williams 323b, 213b; Emily Creel 101t.

Announcements were made. Harrison Creel and Henry Guthery led 37b as the closing song. Danny Creel offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Harrison Creel; Vice Chairman—Henry Guthery; Secretary—Kathleen Robbins; Acting Secretary—Wendy Franklin Boggan.