Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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South Georgia Sacred Harp Singing Convention

Lebanon Primitive Baptist Church, Cordele, Georgia

November 4, 2001

The eighty-second session of the South Georgia Singing Convention was called to order by Chairman John Hollingsworth at 10:00 a.m. leading songs on pages 59 and 138b. Chaplain Jon Robinson offered the opening prayer.

The following committees were appointed by Chairman John Hollingsworth: Arrangement Committee—Elsie Hollingsworth; Nominating Committee—Wesley Haley and Raymond Hamrick; Memorial Committee—Mary Brownlee and Myrtice Meeks.

Leaders: David Grant 175, 166; Rita Haley 46, 63; Jon Robinson 68b, 454; John Plunkett 432, 470; Ted Mercer 348t, 348b; Lee Bradley 73b, 49t; Mary Brownlee 47b, 350; Timothy Haley 146, 155; Richard DeLong 109, 513; Sharon Hamrick 276, 40; Tim Meeks 383, 390.


President John Hollingsworth called the singing back to order leading song on page 77b. Leaders: Kay Robinson 39b, 72b; Raymond Hamrick 74b, 39t; Myrtice Meeks 206, 129.

The business session was held at this time. The following officers were duly elected to serve for the coming year: President—John Hollingsworth; Vice President—David Grant; Secretary/Treasurer -Rita Haley; Assistant Secretary/Treasurer—Joyce Harrison; Chaplain—Jon Robinson. The officers’ terms begins at the end of this session.

The singings for 2001 were reviewed. All singings were renewed for the upcoming new year, 2002.

Treasurer Rita Haley presented the treasurer’s report. It was accepted as presented. The business session was adjourned with President John Hollingsworth leading song on page 213b.


President John Hollingsworth opened the session after lunch leading song on page 230. Leaders: Wesley Haley 34b, 122; Bob Meeks 73b, 323b; Marjorie Robinson 569b, 373; Brittainy Rewis 59, 100; Bonnie Rewis 58, 64; Opal Holloway 145b, 236; David Grant 457; Rita Haley 268; Jon Robinson 452; John Plunkett 354t; Ted Mercer 379; Luanne Turner 147t, 515; Lee Bradley 354b; Mary Brownlee 163b; Timothy Haley 282; Richard DeLong 168.

The memorial lesson followed. Mary Brownlee and Myrtice Meeks came forward to present the following deceased since our last convention and led song on page 45 (t? b?) in their memory: Oren Childres, Yvonne Scott Johnson, Sara Akin, and Doris Sills.

Mary Brownlee presented the following sick and shut-ins and led song on page 542 in their honor: Doris Haley, Otis Hester, Polly Hester, and Runelle Crawford. The memorial lesson was concluded.

Leaders: David Grant 131b; Tim Meeks 340; Kay Robinson 358; Raymond Hamrick 231; Myrtice Meeks 490; Wesley Haley 117; Bob Meeks 341; Brittainy Rewis 72b; Bonnie Rewis 164; Opal Holloway 49b; Luanne Turner 523.

President John Hollingsworth asked for announcements and then asked Richard DeLong to close. Richard DeLong led song on page 347 as the closing song. Jon Robinson offered a closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

President—John Hollingsworth; Vice President—David Grant; Assistant Secretary/Treasurer—Joyce Harrison; Chaplain—Jon Robinson; Secretary/Treasurer—Rita Haley.