Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Pacific Northwest Convention - Washington

Sunset Hill Community Club, Seattle, Washington

February 24-25, 2001

Saturday, February 24

The tenth annual session of the Washington portion of the Pacific Northwest Convention began on Saturday at 9:30 a.m. The class was called to order by Chairman David Hough leading song on page 30t. The opening prayer was offered by Jim Friedrich.

A brief business session was held, confirming the present officers for another year: Chairman—David Hough; Treasurer—Katharine Hough; Secretary—Karen Willard; Arranging Committee—Karen Willard, David Wright, Shannon McGuire, and Jenny Sterne; Chaplains—Jim Friedrich, Dana Waters, and David Zaworski; Memorial Committee—David Zaworski and Anne Huckins.

Karen Willard introduced Mark Davis of Brandon, Mississippi. In his school, Mr. Davis shared with us the triple book tradition of Mississippi singers, stories of singers he has known, and particular singing traditions of Mississippi. After going through Rudiments’ scales and exercises, he led us in singing songs on pages 171, 209, and 56b. From the J.L. White Sacred Harp we sang “Eden,” “Land of Beulah,” and from the Christian Harmony we sang “Night.” The singing school was closed with the Mississippi version of the Drone, which is based on the Social Harp song “Travelling to the Grave.”

Jim Friedrich gave the blessing as the class dismissed for the noon meal.


David Hough formally assembled the class for the afternoon singing leading song on page 59. Chaplain Jim Friedrich led the opening prayer.

Leaders: David Hough 33b; Katharine Hough 40; Karen Willard 35; Peter Irvine 448b; Ken Cofield 86; Janice Evans 178; Mark Davis 383; Jerry Schreiber 473; Hugh McGuire “Roll On Dark Stream” (WB); Mark Miller 442; David Wright 546; Kari Lundgren 344; Carla Smith 182; Mryka Hall-Beyer 236; Jerry Schreiber 550.


Jack Lofton brought the class back to order leading song on page 319. Leaders: Jim Van Horn 147t; Carolyn Deacy 299; Carroll Lunsford 204; Marilyn Murata and Karen Willard 388; Beverly Young 200; Karen Stingle 148; Charles Scudder 288; Meg Larson 49b; Bruce Rowland 532; Fran Ross 198; James Brock 120; Marie Brandis 477; Jill Accetta 192; Gerry Currens 84; Paul Robinson 254; Audrey Karabinus 277; Jinx McGuire 497; Joanne Hoover 475; Anna Maria Nygren 535; John Carson “Mercy Seat”; Reed Schilbach 324.

Announcements were made. Chairman David Hough led “Washington” as the closing song, and the closing prayer was offered by Jim Friedrich.

Sunday, February 25

Chairman David Hough called the class together at 9:30 a.m. leading song on page 37b. Chaplain Dana Waters led the opening prayer.

Leaders: Karen Willard 68b; Katharine Hough 47b; Kathy Vlach 171; Betty Jones 370; Darlene Simpson-Brown 129; Anne Huckins 48t; Shannon McGuire 503b; Jim Friedrich 168; Fran Ross 184; Meg Larson 31t; James Brock 350; Karen Stingle and Beth Judy 551; Jean Murphy 106; Anna Maria Nygren 77 (t? b?); Beverly Young and Lee Esbenshade 56b; David Landazuri 74b.


John Carson brought the class back to order with song on page 313b. Leaders: Carroll Lunsford 390; Don Salting and Jordan Singer 268; Jill Accetta 547; Mark Davis and Julia Yawchisin 240; Carolyn Deacy 501; Marie Brandis, Connie Stanton, and Patti Hansen 549; Carla Smith 202; Mark Miller 269.

Memorial Lesson: Remarks and prayers were by David Zaworski. Anne Huckins read the names and led the songs. “As I prepared for this memorial lesson, my wife, Marie, reminded me of some thoughts from Tim Ericksen. He said that as we go to these singings we meet people and form relationships. And these relationships are deeper, and of a different quality, than those we might make in some other shared activities because of what it is that we are doing, sharing, in singing these songs together. That larger connection is part of what we are about, part of what we celebrate, in the memorial lesson. I also realized that we come to this convention from many distant places. Many here may share my experience of not knowing most of the people whose names we will read in this lesson, and yet, we still share this connection with them... Our spirits reach out through these songs, reach out and connect with all those, everywhere, who share this tradition with us. Please join me in prayer: O God, known to us in so many ways, guide us in these quiet moments to recognize or recall that we are known by you. We are in your care. Our every day, our every breath is a gift. Remembering the blessings you shower on us, we can be confident of your blessings, too, for those absent from us, those who are shut-in, those who suffer illness or injury in body, mind, or spirit. Now let our spirits go out to them with yours, O God, as we name these absent friends: Steven Hough, Eileen Tuvin, James Flood, Carol McQuade, Dan Davis, Elizabeth Jefferies, Kathy Johnson, Sharon Nygren, Hardin King, Mary Konrad, Kathy Ryan, Jim Lykins, Tim Lunceford, and Raoul Titus. Amen.” Anne Huckins led song on page 34b.

Now let us continue in prayer for the deceased. “O God, we remember, too, those who have gone on before, those who have led us to call on you in song, those who have helped us to stand where Moses stood and who now have passed through the Jordan of death to the life that you promise. As we lift up these names of those who have died this past year, O God, lift our hearts in thankfulness for all that you have given us through their lives. Those we remember today are: Marie Creel Aldridge, Horace Batchelor, Willie Mosley, Herbert Phillips, Ruby Phillips, Virgil Phillips, Eugene Wakefield, and Alice Williams—Alabama; Ruth Wright—Arkansas; Erol Leek, Harriett Reimer, Martin Reimer, and Ken Sugimoto—California; Susan Garber—Connecticut; Erville Currens—Illinois; Susan Fitch—Louisiana; Jerry Poinier—Massachusetts; Lucille Lembke—Minnesota; May Ola Nelson—Mississippi; Miller Nichols—Missouri; Karen House—New York; Harriet Dibble—Oregon; Carl Hoffman—Pennsylvania; Dorothy Horn—Tennessee; David Anthony and Tommie Lee Frederick Wigington—Virginia; Richard Hammond and Imants Reba—Washington; Karen Werner and Dorothie Dick. Amen.” Anne Huckins led song on page 66. “Amen.”

Leaders: Peter Irvine 318; Kurt Davis 45t; Jack Lofton 528; Hugh McGuire 71; Hal Kunkel 283; Mryka Hall-Beyer 327; Jerry Schreiber 123t; Kari Lundgren 146; Ken Cofield and Jenny Sterne 82 (t? b?); Katharine Hough 376; Kathy Vlach 384; Charles Scudder and Mary Bamesberger 472. Dana Waters gave the blessing as the class adjourned for the noon meal.


James Brock called the class back to order leading song on page 63. Leaders: David Hough 496; Joanne Hoover 362; Susan Helf 112; Hal Kunkel 36b; Mryka Hall-Beyer 454; Paul Robinson 189; Lisa Davis 304; Mark Miller 201; Katharine Hough 480; Reed Schilbach 213t; Carla Smith 164; Carroll Lunsford 426t; Hugh McGuire 302; Carolyn Deacy 114; Jinx McGuire 163b.


Joanne Hoover called the class back with song on page 72b. Leaders: Jerry Schreiber 236; Gerry Currens 107; Audrey Karabinus 74t; Jane Grant 122; Jenny Sterne 353; Melisa Doss 128; Marcia Stedman 178; Martha J. Smith 143; Jordan Singer and Karen Willard 29t; Mark Davis 145b, 220.

A business session was held.

The treasurer reported that all expenses had been met or were expected to be covered.

The headcounters reported a registered convention attendance of 96 total with the regional breakout as follows: Montana—6; Washington—51; Nebraska—2; Michigan—1; Oregon—22; Mississippi—3; California—7; Alberta, Canada—1; Pennsylvania—1; Alaska—1; Utah—1.

Kari Lundgren and Melisa Doss gave the Resolution Committee report.

“Thanks to God, our Gatherer and Inspiration for the multitude of comforts bestowed on us at this convention.”

Thanks were also given to:

(1) The poets and composers who for us set the table of this musical feast; for voices united to commune;

(2) Those who organized and administered (the names of all the workers were read);

(3) For the place which reflected and enhanced the song;

(4) Those who provided shelter for travelling friends;

(5) For the generous and delightful meals prepared with love and attention;

(6) Those attending from near and far both in body and in spirit.

Special thanks were returned for Mark, Lisa, and Kurt Davis and the details of the tradition Mark Davis passed on to us.

The convention voted to accept these reports and to place them in the minutes.

Chairman David Hough led song on page 62 as the closing song, inviting all who wished to take the parting hand. Chaplain Dana Waters dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—David Hough; Treasurer—Katharine Hough; Secretary—Karen Willard.