Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
trembling 17 occurrences, 15 verses, 15 songs
A sudden trembling shakes the ground. | |
And must my trembling spirit fly | |
And now with trembling sense I view | |
Cease then trembling, fearing, sighing | |
Death your trembling soul will free | |
Enter ev’ry trembling heart. | |
Ere age arrives, and trembling waits | |
Is there here a trembling jailer | |
It bids my trembling soul rejoice | |
My trembling soul to all can tell | |
Trembling ’round the vocal skies. | |
Trembling, hoping, ling’ring, flying. | |
Trembling on the brink of woe | |
Will you help the trembling mourners | |
Yet save a trembling sinner, Lord |