Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
stand 51 occurrences, 35 verses, 44 songs
All her merchants stand with wonder | |
And I shall be able forever to stand. | |
And so they stand opposed. | |
And the angels stand inviting | |
And when I stand before the King | |
And who shall be able to stand? | |
And with the saints of old doth stand | |
Angels in shining order stand | |
’Round the whole earth and never stand | |
Could we but stand and view that goal | |
Described in the Bible that lay on the stand. | |
Ere all its glories stand revealed | |
Fear not, brethren — joyful stand | |
For Jesus will stand by you | |
Hoping against hope I stand | |
I want to see bright angels stand | |
I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand | |
Of those that stand and come too late | |
Oh may our humble spirits stand | |
Oh, sinner, where will you stand in that day? | |
On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand | |
On slipp’ry rocks I see them stand | |
Shall I among them stand? | |
Some few, like good Elijah stand | |
Stand dressed in living green | |
Stand fast with sword in hand | |
The angels stand ready and waiting | |
The family Bible that lay on the stand. | |
The wicked shall not stand | |
’Tis by Thy strength the mountains stand | |
Weep not for me as you stand ’round my grave | |
Where saints in glory stand, bright, bright as day. | |
Who stand on Zion’s hill | |
Why will ye doubting stand, why yet delay? | |
Within Thy circling pow’r I stand |