Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
sorrow 32 occurrences, 29 verses, 28 songs
A few more days of sorrow | |
And sorrow, grief and pain | |
Buried in sorrow and in sin | |
But beyond this vale of sorrow | |
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet | |
Farewell to sin and sorrow | |
From ev’ry pain and sorrow free. | |
From sin and sorrow free | |
From sorrow, pain and care. | |
Hail ye sighing sons of sorrow | |
Hope wipes the tear from sorrow’s eye | |
Let storms of sorrow fall | |
Neither trouble, nor sorrow | |
No more as an exile in sorrow to pine | |
Resigned when storms of sorrow lower | |
Send, send sorrow away | |
Sickness and sorrow, pain and death | |
Sorrow and love flow mingled down! | |
Struck with sorrow and surprise | |
That bids my sorrow cease | |
The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow | |
What wraps the land in sorrow’s shade? | |
When from sin and sorrow free | |
Where freed from trouble, sorrow and pain. | |
Where sin and sorrow are no more | |
Where there’s no trouble or sorrow. | |
While in this land of sorrow I remain. | |
While in this vale of sorrow | |
Why should our tears in sorrow flow |