Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

safe 17 occurrences, 11 verses, 12 songs

Lord, keep us safe this night

302 Logan

My parents, though dear, are safe landed in glory

342 The Old-Fashioned Bible

Safe from disease, secure from death?

547 Granville

Safe in the promised land.

133 Hebrew Children

Safe into the haven guide

452 Martin

Safe to that peaceful shore.

480 Redemption

She will land us safe on Canaan’s bright shore

388 The Happy Sailor

Thou art our rest, our safe abode

142 Stratfield

’Tis grace has brought me safe thus far

45t New Britain

105 Jewett

’Tis here I find a safe retreat

393 Alexander

Will keep me safe from sin and strife

490 My Shepherd Guides