Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

roll 39 occurrences, 22 verses, 28 songs

And fiery billows roll below.

183 Greenwich

193 Huntington

And not a wave of trouble roll

36b Ninety-Fifth

43 Primrose Hill

114 Saint’s Delight

293 Akers

392 Manchester

His lightnings flash, His thunders roll

274b Roll Jordan

Long as eternal ages roll.

48b Kedron

Not many years their rounds shall roll

121 Florence

177 The Christian’s Flight

On me let streams of mercy roll

93 Frozen Heart

Roll, Jordan, roll.

274b Roll Jordan

Roll off my marble brow

312t Sing to Me of Heaven

Roll on, sweet moments, roll on

275b Roll On

Sweet music in Zion’s beginning to roll

424 Sweet Union

The billows roll beneath your feet

204 Mission

The chariot! the chariot! its wheels roll in fire

149 The Trumpet

Thou mak’st the sleeping billows roll

191 Virginia

Though Jordan’s waves around me roll

128 The Promised Land

Where ceaseless ages roll.

505 Where Ceaseless Ages Roll

Where endless ages roll.

266 Kingwood

Where silence reigns and vapors roll

404 Youth Will Soon Be Gone

522 Ye Heedless Ones

Where sun and moon and planets roll

479 Chester

While the billows o’er me roll

145b Sweet Affliction

While the nearer waters roll

452 Martin

While thunders roll from pole to pole

131t Messiah

While time revolves and years roll ’round.

412 New Hosanna