Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
mighty 16 occurrences, 16 verses, 14 songs
A little faith doth mighty deeds | |
A mighty angel cries | |
A mighty rocky road | |
And I heard a mighty angel | |
And on the wings of mighty winds | |
Awake, and sing Thy mighty name | |
He seems a mighty conqu’ror | |
It’s a mighty rocky road | |
Mighty hosts of the angels that wait on the Lord. | |
Oh, save mighty Lord | |
Oh turn us, turn us, mighty Lord | |
The mighty hand of God doth reign | |
The mighty penants of the skies | |
The works of glory, mighty Lord | |
Though num’rous hosts of mighty foes | |
Thy grace and justice mighty Lord |