Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

humble 21 occurrences, 17 verses, 21 songs

A humble contrite heart.

535 Shawmut

And humble ev’ry nation.

207 Louisiana

And see His humble throne

152 Shepherds Rejoice

306 Oxford

At humble distance bow.

362 Norwich

536 Sweet Majesty

Come, humble sinner, in whose breast

29t Fairfield

94 Never Part

Fix in us Thy humble dwelling

30t Love Divine

In humble notes our faith adores

351 Pittsford

Make us humble, make us holy

80t Shouting Song

323t Mullins

Oh, for an humble, contrite heart

328 Praise God

Oh may our humble spirits stand

562 Infinite Delight

On Thee our humble hopes depend.

354t Lebanon

Or earth Thy humble footstool laid.

142 Stratfield

Our humble faith is made to rise

463 Our Humble Faith

Our Shepherd hears each humble plea

367 Consolation

The humble spirit and contrite

174 Petersburg

Thy grace employ my humble tongue

353 McGraw

Thy wrath awakes our humble dread:

181 Exit